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Add Uniform to mix.exs

Add :uniform as a dependency in mix.exs.

defp deps do
    {:uniform, "~> 0.6.0"}


Run mix uniform.init

After adding :uniform to mix.exs and running mix deps.get, run

mix uniform.init

This will Create a Blueprint module and add Configuration, which you can do manually if you'd rather by following the steps below.


Create a Blueprint module

If you opted out of running mix uniform.init, create a Blueprint module. This is the central file you'll use to tell Uniform which files to copy when running mix uniform.eject.

To start, you can create an empty Blueprint like this.

defmodule MyApp.Uniform.Blueprint do
  use Uniform.Blueprint

You can name the module whatever you like, but we suggest putting it in lib/my_app/uniform/blueprint.ex.



If you opted out of running mix uniform.init, add the following line to config/config.exs. (Changing the blueprint value to match the name of your Blueprint module above.)

config :my_app, Uniform, blueprint: MyApp.Uniform.Blueprint

You can also optionally set a default destination for ejected apps.

# With optional :destination
config :my_app, Uniform,
  blueprint: MyApp.Uniform.Blueprint,
  destination: "/Users/me/ejected"

If destination is ommitted, the default is one level up from the Base Project's root folder. The --destination option of mix uniform.eject takes precedence and overrides both of these behaviors.


Add Uniform Manifests

Skip this step if you have no apps yet.

If you're setting up a brand new project, skip to Build the Blueprint.

When you add Ejectable Apps in your project, you'll need to come back to this step.

Put a uniform.exs file inside each directory in lib that represents an Ejectable App. You can do so with this command:

mix my_app_name

It creates an empty manifest with code comments to help you start. If you want to create the file manually instead, start with a barebones file that contains an empty list:

# lib/my_app_name/uniform.exs

The Uniform Manifests guide explains how to use this file.

At this point you should be able to run:

mix uniform.eject my_app_name

And it will create a standalone codebase for the app. However, it probably won't contain the files needed to run locally or be deployed.

This leads us to the final step of Building the Blueprint.


Build the Blueprint

Read the documentation for Uniform.Blueprint for the full range of features to build out your Blueprint module.

The Blueprint module is central for configuring which files are ejected during mix uniform.eject.

Since each Elixir project is different, it is up to you to determine which files need to be ejected in your project to emit a working application.

Are you building Phoenix apps?

The Setting up a Phoenix project guide contains details and examples for building your Blueprint.

An example barebones Blueprint might look like this.

defmodule MyApp.Uniform.Blueprint do
  use Uniform.Blueprint

  base_files do
    file "lib/my_app/application.ex"
    file "lib/my_app_web/endpoint.ex"
    cp_r "assets"
    template "config/runtime.exs"

  deps do
    always do
      mix :phoenix
      mix :phoenix_html

      lib :utilities

    lib :my_data_graph do
      mix_deps [:absinthe]