API Reference Unleash v1.9.0



If you have no plans on extending the client, then Unleash will be the main usage point of the library. Upon starting your app, the client is registered with the unleash server, and two GenServers are started, one to fetch and poll for feature flags from the server, and one to send metrics.

This module is a cache backed by an ETS table. We use it to allow for multiple threads to read the feature flag values concurrently on top of minimizing network calls

An extra fancy Plug and utility functions to help when developing Plug or Phoenix-based applications. It automatically puts together a Unleash.context/0 under the Plug.Conn's Plug.assigns/0.

This genserver polls the unleash service each time the given interval has elapsed, refreshing both our local ETS cache and the backup state file if the flag state has diverged.

Used to get all available strategies in the client. You can add your strategies to the client by extending this module

Used to extend the client and create custom strategies. To do so, use this module within your custom strategy and implmenent enabled?/2. Provide a name that is human-readable, as it is logged.

Module that is used to verify constraints are met.

Does not require anything in Unleash.context/0

Can depend on :user_id or :session_id in Unleash.context/0

Utilities that might help you create your own strategies.