usps v0.1.0 Usps.Configuration View Source

Configurations used to make HTTP(S) requests to the USPS API.

Configurations can be set via the project configs, directly using the function, or some combination of the two.

# config.exs
import Config

config :usps,
url: "",
path: "/shippingapi.dll",
user_id: "USER123"

# direclty using new/1
config = "")

Configuration options passed as arguments to new/1 will always override configurations in config.exs.

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Returns a new Configuration struct with the given overrides applied.

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t() :: %Usps.Configuration{
  client: nil | module(),
  path: nil | binary(),
  url: nil | binary(),
  user_id: nil | binary()

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new(overrides \\ [])

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new(overrides :: keyword()) :: t()

Returns a new Configuration struct with the given overrides applied.