View Source Vela Lifetime

Vela is designed to collect and keep a set of series of different values. Each serie is supposed to keep validated, ordered, actual values.

  • validation is being done upon insertion, using validator parameter for this particular serie (default: always allow;) if the validation fails, the value gets discarded immediately
  • obsoleted values are removed by explicit call to purge/2
  • sorting is done with sorter/compare_by pair of parameters; default sorting is none (LIFO) and the default comparator is itself.

Consider the following example. Let’s declare Vela having two series, one with integers, another with dates. We want both to be sorted descending so that we could get the most actual values at any time.

defmodule Checkers do
  def good_integer(:integers, int) when is_integer(int), do: true
  def good_integer(_, _), do: false

  def good_date(:dates, %Date{}), do: true
  def good_date(_, _), do: false

  def compare_dates(%Date{} = d1, %Date{} = d2),
    do:, d2) == :gt

defmodule Series do
  import Checkers

  use Vela,
    integers: [limit: 3, validator: &good_integer/2, sorter: &>=/2],
    dates: [limit: 3, validator: &good_date/2, sorter: &compare_dates/2]

Now we can fill the struct with values.

iex|1> s = %Series{}
#⇒ %Series{__errors__: [], dates: [], integers: []}
iex|2> put_in s, [:integers], 42
#⇒ %Series{__errors__: [], dates: [], integers: '*'}
iex|3> put_in s, [:integers], "42"
#⇒ %Series{__errors__: [integers: "42"], dates: [], integers: []}
iex|4> put_in s, [:dates], Date.utc_today
#⇒ %Series{__errors__: [], dates: [~D[2020-06-30]], integers: []}
iex|5> put_in s, [:dates], "42"   
#⇒ %Series{__errors__: [dates: "42"], dates: [], integers: []}

Let’s see how sorting works.

iex|6> s
...|6> |> put_in([:integers], 10)
...|6> |> put_in([:integers], 20)
...|6> |> put_in([:integers], 30)
...|6> |> put_in([:integers], 40)
...|6> |> put_in([:integers], 0)
%Series{__errors__: [], dates: [], integers: [40, 30, 20]}

We instructed the serie to keep at most three values, sorted descending.

The get to the most “relevant” values (heads of series,) one might use slice/1. It returns the keyword with all the actual values.

iex|7> Series.slice s
#⇒ [integers: 40]

To get to the head of each serie, one might use Access as shown below.

iex|8> get_in s, [:integers]
#⇒ 40