View Source Versioned.Helpers (Versioned v0.4.0)

Tools shared between modules. (For internal use.)

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Create a version_mod struct to insert from a new instance of the record.

Recursively crawl changeset and compile a list of version structs with is_deleted set to true.

Wrap a line of AST in a block if it isn't already wrapped.

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build_version(struct, opts)

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@spec build_version(
) :: Ecto.Changeset.t() | nil

Create a version_mod struct to insert from a new instance of the record.



  • :deleted - If true, records will marked as deleted.
  • :change - For updates, an Ecto.Changeset.t/0 should be provided to inform which records were inserted vs updated vs deleted.
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deleted_versions(changeset \\ nil, opts)

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@spec deleted_versions(
  Ecto.Changeset.t() | nil,
) :: [Ecto.Schema.t()]

Recursively crawl changeset and compile a list of version structs with is_deleted set to true.

The changeset to operate on is passed in either as the first parameter or under the :change key in opts.

@spec normalize_block(Macro.t()) :: Macro.t()

Wrap a line of AST in a block if it isn't already wrapped.