View Source Versioned.Schema (Versioned v0.4.0)

Enhances Ecto.Schema modules to track a full history of changes.

The versioned_schema macro works just like schema in Ecto.Schema but it also builds an OriginalModule.Version schema module as well to represent a version at a particular point in time.

In addition to options allowed by Ecto.Schema, new ones are also allowed.


Additional belongs_to Options

  • :versioned - If true, the version schema will include an extra field of the same name but with _version appended. The parent record which existed when this version was created can be loaded into this field via Versioned.preload/2.


versioned_schema "people" do
  belongs_to :car, Car, type: :binary_id, versioned: true


Additional has_many Options

  • :versioned - If true, the version schema will include an extra field of the same name but with _version appended. If defined as another truthy atom, then that field name will be used instead. The child records which existed when this version was created can be loaded into this field via Versioned.preload/2.


versioned_schema "cars" do
  has_many :people, Person, on_replace: :delete, versioned: :person_versions


I already have an integer primary key.

While Versioned generally operates with binary_ids, it is possible to adopt it for an existing table which uses integers. First, you'll need to create a migration to create the versions table. Then, define your own @primary_key attribute. Versioned will preserve it. (Note that the versions table must still use UUIDs.)

@primary_key {:id, :id, autogenerate: true}
versioned_schema "cars" do


Add Code to the Version Module

To add additional functions to the version module, auto-generated by versioned_schema/2, add a version block somewhere before versioned_schema.

version do
  def hello_world, do: :ok

versioned_schema "cars" do



defmodule MyApp.Car do
  use Versioned.Schema

  versioned_schema "cars" do
    field :name, :string
    has_many :people, MyApp.Person, versioned: true

Link to this section Summary


Register some code to be injected into the Version module.

Convert a list of ast lines from the main schema into ast lines to be used for the version schema.

Create a versioned schema.

Link to this section Functions

Register some code to be injected into the Version module.

Link to this macro


View Source (macro)
Link to this macro


View Source (macro)

Convert a list of ast lines from the main schema into ast lines to be used for the version schema.

Link to this macro

versioned_schema(source, list)

View Source (macro)

Create a versioned schema.