Vessel v0.8.0 Mix.Tasks.Vessel.Compile

Compiles a set of Vessel binaries.

The binaries to compile are dictated by the :vessel property inside the Mix project definition. The property should be a Keyword List containing a subset of the keys :mapper, :combiner and :reducer. Each of these keys may have options provided as to where to build the binary to, and the module which should act as the entry point:

[ mapper: [ module: MyMapper, target: "./binaries/mapper" ] ]

If you don’t provide an :target property, it will be placed in target/<ver> with a name of the form {app_name}-{type}, for example my_app-mapper. If you do not wish to customise the output, you can just set the properties as an Atom and it will be used as the module name:

[ mapper: MyMapper ] # unpacks to [ mapper: [ module: MyMapper ] ]

If your module name is not provided, the binary will be ignored - however if your module is invalid, an error will be raised.



A task needs to implement run which receives a list of command line args



A task needs to implement run which receives a list of command line args.

Callback implementation for