View Source VintageNet.Interface.CommandRunner (vintage_net v0.13.3)

The CommandRunner module runs commands specified in RawConfigs

See the RawConfig documentation for where lists of commands are specified. The following commands are supported:

  • {:run, command, args} - Run a system command
  • {:run_ignore_exit, command, args} - Same as :run, but without the exit status check
  • {:fun, module, function_name, args} - Run a function by MFArgs
  • {:fun, fun} - Run a function. Using the MFArgs form is preferred since it's
                easier to verify in unit tests.

CommandRunner also implements RawConfig's file creation and cleanup logic.

Link to this section Summary


Create a list of files

Remove a list of files

Run one or more commands

Link to this section Functions

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@spec create_files([VintageNet.Interface.RawConfig.file_contents()]) :: :ok

Create a list of files

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@spec remove_files([VintageNet.Interface.RawConfig.file_contents()]) :: :ok

Remove a list of files

Run one or more commands

See the module docs for documentation on commands.