View Source VintageNet.PredictableInterfaceName (vintage_net v0.13.3)

Handles predictable interface names by subscribing to the property table and renaming matching interface names based on the configuration in application environment.

Link to this section Summary


hw_path to a user supplied ifname mapping


Return whether an ifname is a built-in one

Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

Called before interface configuration.

Link to this section Types

@type hw_path_config() :: %{hw_path: Path.t(), ifname: VintageNet.ifname()}

hw_path to a user supplied ifname mapping

Link to this section Functions

@spec built_in?(VintageNet.ifname()) :: boolean()

Return whether an ifname is a built-in one

Built-in names start with eth, wlan, etc. and cannot be used as interfaces names when using the predictable networking feature.


iex> PredictableInterfaceName.built_in?("wlan0")

iex> PredictableInterfaceName.built_in?("eth50")

iex> PredictableInterfaceName.built_in?("lan")

Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.

@spec precheck(VintageNet.ifname()) :: :ok | {:error, :not_predictable_interface_name}

Called before interface configuration.

First checks if vintage_net is configured to use predictable interface names, if so checks the given ifname for "common" naming schemes.

Instead of a boolean this function returns :ok on success, and {:error, not_predictable_interface_name} on failure. This is done to allow usage in with chains.

@spec start_link([hw_path_config()]) :: GenServer.on_start()