View Source VintageNet.Technology behaviour (vintage_net v0.13.3)

Technologies define how network interface types work

VintageNet comes with several built-in technologies, but more can be added or existing ones modified by implementing the Technology behaviour.

Link to this section Summary


Check that the system has all of the required programs for this technology

Handle an ioctl that has been requested on the network interface

Normalize a configuration

Convert a technology-specific configuration to one for VintageNet

Link to this section Callbacks

@callback check_system(opts :: keyword()) :: :ok | {:error, String.t()}

Check that the system has all of the required programs for this technology

This is intended to help identify missing programs without configuring a network.

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ioctl(ifname, command, args)

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@callback ioctl(VintageNet.ifname(), command :: atom(), args :: list()) ::
  :ok | {:ok, any()} | {:error, any()}

Handle an ioctl that has been requested on the network interface

The function runs isolated in its own process and only one ioctl is guaranteed to be running at a time. VintageNet will handle crashes and hangs and unceremoniously kill the ioctl if the user changes their mind and reconfigures the network interface.

Ioctl support is optional. Examples of ioctls include:

  • :scan - scan for WiFi networks
  • :statistics - return a map of network statistics
@callback normalize(config :: map()) :: map()

Normalize a configuration

Technologies use this to update input configurations to a canonical representation. This includes things like inserting default fields, converting IP addresses passed in as strings to tuples, and deriving parameters so that they need not be derived again in the future.

Configuration errors raise exceptions.

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to_raw_config(ifname, config, opts)

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@callback to_raw_config(VintageNet.ifname(), config :: map(), opts :: keyword()) ::

Convert a technology-specific configuration to one for VintageNet

The config is the normalized configuration map (normalize/1 will have been called at some point so the technology does not need to call it again).

The opts parameter contains VintageNet's application environment. This contains potentially useful file paths and other information.

Configuration errors raise exceptions. Errors should be infrequent, though, since VintageNet will call normalize/1 first and expects most errors to be caught by it.