View Source Vnu.Message (Vnu v1.1.1)

A message is a unit of information returned by the Checker. See its documentation for detailed up to date information about its output format.


  • :type - One of :error, :info, or :non_document_error. Info messages can either be general information or warnings, see :sub_type. Non-document errors signify errors with the Checker server itself, and are treated internally by this library as if the validation could not be run at all.
  • :sub_type - For messages of type :error it could be nil or :fatal. For messages of type :info, it could be nil or :warning.
  • :message - The detailed description of the issue.
  • :extract - The snippet of the document that the message is about.
  • :first_line, :last_line, :first_column, :last_column - The position of the part of the document the message is about relative to the whole document. Lines and columns are numbered from 1.
  • :hilite_start, :hilite_length - Indicate the start and length of substring of the :extract that the message is roughly about. The characters are numbered from 0.



@type t() :: %Vnu.Message{
  extract: String.t() | nil,
  first_column: integer() | nil,
  first_line: integer() | nil,
  hilite_length: integer() | nil,
  hilite_start: integer() | nil,
  last_column: integer() | nil,
  last_line: integer() | nil,
  message: String.t() | nil,
  offset: integer() | nil,
  sub_type: :warning | :fatal | :io | :schema | :internal | nil,
  type: :error | :info | :non_document_error