View Source Waffle.Definition.Storage (waffle v1.1.9)

Uploader configuration.

Add use Waffle.Definition inside your module to use it as uploader.

Storage directory

By default, the storage directory is uploads. But, it can be customized in two ways.

By setting up configuration

Customize storage directory via configuration option :storage_dir.

config :waffle,
  storage_dir: "my/dir"

By overriding the relevant functions in definition modules

Every definition module has a default storage_dir/2 which is overridable.

For example, a common pattern for user avatars is to store each user's uploaded images in a separate subdirectory based on primary key:

def storage_dir(version, {file, scope}) do

Note: If you are "attaching" a file to a record on creation (eg, while inserting the record at the same time), then you cannot use the model's id as a path component. You must either (1) use a different storage path format, such as UUIDs, or (2) attach and update the model after an id has been given. Read more about how to integrate it with Ecto

Note: The storage directory is used for both local filestorage (as the relative or absolute directory), and S3 storage, as the path name (not including the bucket).

Asynchronous File Uploading

If you specify multiple versions in your definition module, each version is processed and stored concurrently as independent Tasks. To prevent an overconsumption of system resources, each Task is given a specified timeout to wait, after which the process will fail. By default, the timeout is 15_000 milliseconds.

If you wish to change the time allocated to version transformation and storage, you can add a configuration option:

config :waffle,
  :version_timeout, 15_000 # milliseconds

To disable asynchronous processing, add @async false to your definition module.

Storage of files

Waffle currently supports:

Override the __storage function in your definition module if you want to use a different type of storage for a particular uploader.

File Validation

While storing files on S3 eliminates some malicious attack vectors, it is strongly encouraged to validate the extensions of uploaded files as well.

Waffle delegates validation to a validate/1 function with a tuple of the file and scope. As an example, in order to validate that an uploaded file conforms to popular image formats, you can use:

defmodule Avatar do
  use Waffle.Definition
  @extension_whitelist ~w(.jpg .jpeg .gif .png)

  def validate({file, _}) do
    file_extension = file.file_name |> Path.extname() |> String.downcase()

    case Enum.member?(@extension_whitelist, file_extension) do
      true -> :ok
      false -> {:error, "invalid file type"}

Validation will be considered successful if the function returns true or :ok. A customized error message can be returned in the form of {:error, message}. Any other return value will return {:error, :invalid_file} when passed through to

Passing custom headers when downloading from remote path

By default, when downloading files from remote path request headers are empty, but if you wish to provide your own, you can override the remote_file_headers/1 function in your definition module. For example:

defmodule Avatar do
  use Waffle.Definition

  def remote_file_headers(%URI{host: ""}) do
    credentials = Application.get_env(:my_app, :avatar_credentials)
    token = Base.encode64(credentials[:username] <> ":" <> credentials[:password])

    [{"Authorization", "Basic #{token}")}]

This code would authenticate request only for specific domain. Otherwise, it would send empty request headers.