Wallaby.Chrome (wallaby v0.28.0) View Source

The Chrome driver uses Chromedriver to power Google Chrome and Chromium.


Start a Wallaby Session using this driver with the following command:

{:ok, session} = Wallaby.start_session()



Chrome will run in headless mode by default. You can disable this behaviour using the following configuration.

This will override the default capabilities and capabilities set with application configuration. This will not override capabilities passed in directly to Wallaby.start_session/1.

config :wallaby,
  chromedriver: [
    headless: false


These capabilities will override the default capabilities.

config :wallaby,
  chromedriver: [
    capabilities: %{
      # something

ChromeDriver binary

If ChromeDriver is not available in your path, you can specify it's location.

config :wallaby,
  chromedriver: [
    path: "path/to/chrome"

Chrome binary

This configures which instance of Google Chrome to use.

This will override the default capabilities and capabilities set with application configuration. This will not override capabilities passed in directly to Wallaby.start_session/1.

config :wallaby,
  chromedriver: [
    binary: "path/to/chrome"

Default Capabilities

By default, Chromdriver will use the following capabilities

You can read more about capabilities in the JSON Wire Protocol documentation and the Chromedriver documentation.

    javascriptEnabled: false,
    loadImages: false,
    version: "",
    rotatable: false,
    takesScreenshot: true,
    cssSelectorsEnabled: true,
    nativeEvents: false,
    platform: "ANY",
    unhandledPromptBehavior: "accept",
    loggingPrefs: %{
      browser: "DEBUG"
    chromeOptions: %{
      args: [
        "--user-agent=Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36"


This driver requires Chromedriver to be installed in your path.

Link to this section Summary


Options to pass to Wallaby.start_session/1


Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

Link to this section Types


start_session_opts() ::
  {:capabilities, map()}
  | {:readiness_timeout, timeout()}
  | {:create_session_fn, (String.t(), map() -> {:ok, %{}})}

Options to pass to Wallaby.start_session/1

  capabilities: %{chromeOptions: %{args: ["--headless"]}},
  create_session_fn: fn url, capabilities ->
    WebdriverClient.create_session(url, capabilities)
  • :capabilities - capabilities to pass to chromedriver on session startup
  • create_session_fn - Deprecated and to be removed
  • :readiness_timeout - milliseconds to wait for chromedriver server to be ready before raising a timeout error. (Default: 5000)

Link to this section Functions

Returns a specification to start this module under a supervisor.

See Supervisor.