View Source Wallaby.Browser (wallaby v0.30.6)

The Browser module is the entrypoint for interacting with a real browser.

By default, action only work with elements that are visible to a real user.



Actions are used to interact with form elements. All actions work with the query interface:

<label for="first_name">
  First Name
<input id="user_first_name" type="text" name="first_name">
fill_in(page, Query.text_field("First Name"), with: "Grace")
fill_in(page, Query.text_field("first_name"), with: "Grace")
fill_in(page, Query.text_field("user_first_name"), with: "Grace")

These queries work with any of the available actions.

fill_in(page, Query.text_field("First Name"), with: "Chris")
clear(page, Query.text_field("user_email"))
click(page, Query.radio_button("Radio Button 1"))
click(page, Query.checkbox("Checkbox"))
click(page, Query.checkbox("Checkbox"))
click(page, Query.option("Option 1"))
click(page, Query.button("Some Button"))
attach_file(page, Query.file_field("Avatar"), path: "test/fixtures/avatar.jpg")

Actions return their parent element so that they can be chained together:

|> find(Query.css(".signup-form"), fn(form) ->
  |> fill_in(Query.text_field("Name"), with: "Grace Hopper")
  |> fill_in(Query.text_field("Email"), with: "")
  |> click(Query.button("Submit"))



Finders provide scoping like so:

|> visit("/page.html")
|> find(Query.css(".users"))
|> find(Query.css(".user", count: 3))
|> List.first
|> find(Query.css(".user-name"))

If a callback is passed to find then the scoping will only apply to the callback and the parent will be passed to the next action in the chain:

|> find(Query.css(".todo-form"), fn(form) ->
  |> fill_in(Query.text_field("What needs doing?"), with: "Write Wallaby Documentation")
  |> click(Query.button("Save"))
|> find(Query.css(".success-notification"), fn(notification) ->
  assert notification
  |> has_text?("Todo created successfully!")

This allows you to create a test that is logically grouped together in a single pipeline. It also means that its easy to create re-usable helper functions without having to worry about chaining. You could re-write the above example like this:

def create_todo(page, todo) do
  find(Query.css(".todo-form"), & fill_in_and_save_todo(&1, todo))

def fill_in_and_save_todo(form, todo) do
  |> fill_in(Query.text_field("What needs doing?"), with: todo)
  |> click(Query.button("Save"))

def todo_was_created?(page) do
  find Query.css(page, ".success-notification"), fn(notification) ->
    assert notification
    |> has_text?("Todo created successfully!")

assert page
|> create_todo("Write Wallaby Documentation")
|> todo_was_created?

Link to this section Summary


Accepts one alert dialog, which must be triggered within the specified fun. Returns the message that was presented to the user. For example

Accepts one confirmation dialog, which must be triggered within the specified fun. Returns the message that was presented to the user. For example

Accepts one prompt, which must be triggered within the specified fun. The [with: value] option allows to simulate user input for the prompt. If no value is provided, the default value that was passed to window.prompt will be used instead. Returns the message that was presented to the user. For example

Finds all of the DOM elements that match the CSS selector. If no elements are found then an empty list is immediately returned. This is equivalent to calling find(session, css("element", count: nil, minimum: 0)).

Checks if query is present within parent and raises if not found.

Matches the Element's content with the provided text and raises if not found.

Attaches a file to a file input. Input elements are looked up by id, label text, or name.

Gets the value of the elements attribute.

Clicks and holds the given mouse button at the current mouse coordinates.

Releases given previously held mouse button.

Clicks the mouse on the element returned by the query or at the current mouse cursor position.

Closes the current window.

Gets the current path of the session

Gets the current url of the session

Dismisses one confirmation dialog, which must be triggered within the specified fun. Returns the message that was presented to the user. For example

Dismisses one prompt, which must be triggered within the specified fun. Returns the message that was presented to the user. For example

Double-clicks left mouse button at the current mouse coordinates.

Executes JavaScript synchronously, taking as arguments the script to execute, an optional list of arguments available in the script via arguments, and an optional callback function with the result of script execution as a parameter.

Executes asynchronous JavaScript, taking as arguments the script to execute, an optional list of arguments available in the script via arguments, and an optional callback function with the result of script execution as a parameter.

Fills in an element identified by query with value.

Finds and returns one or more DOM element(s) on the page based on the given query.

Same as find/2, but takes a callback to enact side effects on the found element(s).

Changes the driver focus to the default (top level) frame.

Changes the driver focus to the frame found by query.

Changes the driver focus to the parent frame.

Focuses the window identified by the given handle.

Searches for CSS on the page.

Searches for CSS that should not be on the page

Matches the parent's content with the provided text.

Matches the Element's value with the provided value.

Validates that the query returns a result. This can be used to define other types of matchers.

Hovers over an element.

Maximizes the current window.

Moves mouse by an offset relative to current cursor position.

Sets the position of the current window.

Retrieves the source of the current page.

Gets the title for the current page

Checks if query is not present within parent and raises if it is found.

Sets the size of the current window.

Attempts to synchronize with the browser. This is most often used to execute queries repeatedly until it either exceeds the time limit or returns a success.

Checks if the element has been selected. Alias for checked?(element)

Sends a list of key strokes to active element. If strings are included then they are sent as individual keys. Special keys should be provided as a list of atoms, which are automatically converted into the corresponding key codes.

Sets the value of an element. The allowed type for the value depends on the type of the element. The value may be

Takes a screenshot of the current window. Screenshots are saved to a "screenshots" directory in the same directory the tests are run in.

Taps the element.

Gets the Element's text value.

Touches the screen at the given position.

Touches and holds the element on its top-left corner plus an optional offset.

Moves the touch pointer (finger, stylus etc.) on the screen to the point determined by the given coordinates.

Scroll on the screen from the given element by the given offset using touch events.

Stops touching the screen.

Checks if the element is visible on the page

Changes the current page to the provided route. Relative paths are appended to the provided base_url. Absolute paths do not use the base_url.

Gets the window handle of the current window.

Gets the window handles of all available windows.

Gets the position of the current window.

Gets the size of the current window.

Link to this section Types

@type opts() :: Wallaby.Query.opts()
@type parent() :: element() | session()
@opaque queryable()
@type sync_result() :: {:ok, any()} | {:error, any()}
@type t() :: any()
@type take_screenshot_opt() :: {:name, String.t()} | {:log, boolean()}

Link to this section Functions

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accept_alert(session, fun)

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Accepts one alert dialog, which must be triggered within the specified fun. Returns the message that was presented to the user. For example:

message = accept_alert session, fn(s) ->
  click(s,"Trigger alert"))
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accept_confirm(session, fun)

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Accepts one confirmation dialog, which must be triggered within the specified fun. Returns the message that was presented to the user. For example:

message = accept_confirm session, fn(s) ->
  click(s,"Trigger confirm"))
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accept_prompt(session, fun)

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Accepts one prompt, which must be triggered within the specified fun. The [with: value] option allows to simulate user input for the prompt. If no value is provided, the default value that was passed to window.prompt will be used instead. Returns the message that was presented to the user. For example:

message = accept_prompt session, fn(s) ->
  click(s,"Trigger prompt"))

Example providing user input:

message = accept_prompt session, [with: "User input"], fn(s) ->
  click(s,"Trigger prompt"))
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accept_prompt(session, list, fun)

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@spec all(parent(), Wallaby.Query.t()) :: [Wallaby.Element.t()]

Finds all of the DOM elements that match the CSS selector. If no elements are found then an empty list is immediately returned. This is equivalent to calling find(session, css("element", count: nil, minimum: 0)).

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assert_has(parent, query)

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Checks if query is present within parent and raises if not found.

Returns the given parent if the assertion is correct so that it is easily pipeable.



|> visit("/")
|> assert_has(Query.css(".login-button"))
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assert_text(parent, text)

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@spec assert_text(parent(), String.t()) :: parent()
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assert_text(parent, query, text)

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@spec assert_text(parent(), Wallaby.Query.t(), String.t()) :: parent()

Matches the Element's content with the provided text and raises if not found.

Returns the given parent if the assertion is correct so that it is easily pipeable.



|> visit("/")
|> assert_text("Login")

Example providing query:

|> visit("/")
|> assert_text(Query.css(".login-button"), "Login")
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attach_file(parent, query, list)

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@spec attach_file(parent(), Wallaby.Query.t(), [{:path, String.t()}]) :: parent()

Attaches a file to a file input. Input elements are looked up by id, label text, or name.

When dealing with Selenium server (especially a remote instance), the file must be uploaded to Selenium via send_keys recognizing a local file, else attaching a file fails.

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attr(parent, query, name)

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@spec attr(parent(), Wallaby.Query.t(), String.t()) :: String.t() | nil

Gets the value of the elements attribute.

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button_down(parent, button \\ :left)

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@spec button_down(parent(), atom()) :: parent()

Clicks and holds the given mouse button at the current mouse coordinates.

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button_up(parent, button \\ :left)

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@spec button_up(parent(), atom()) :: parent()

Releases given previously held mouse button.

@spec clear(parent(), Wallaby.Query.t()) :: parent()
@spec click(parent(), :left | :middle | :right) :: parent()
@spec click(parent(), Wallaby.Query.t()) :: parent()

Clicks the mouse on the element returned by the query or at the current mouse cursor position.

@spec close_window(session :: Wallaby.Session.t()) :: Wallaby.Session.t()

Closes the current window.

The window is either an instance of a browser tab or another operating system window.



feature "closing a window focuses the previously focused window", %{session: session} do
  original_handle =
    |> visit("/home")
    |> window_handle()

  new_handle =
    # click a link that takes you to a new tab
    |> click("External Page"))
    |> close_window()
    |> window_handle()

  assert original_handle == new_handle
@spec current_path(parent()) :: String.t()

Gets the current path of the session

@spec current_url(parent()) :: String.t()

Gets the current url of the session

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dismiss_confirm(session, fun)

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Dismisses one confirmation dialog, which must be triggered within the specified fun. Returns the message that was presented to the user. For example:

message = dismiss_confirm session, fn(s) ->
  click(s,"Trigger confirm"))
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dismiss_prompt(session, fun)

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Dismisses one prompt, which must be triggered within the specified fun. Returns the message that was presented to the user. For example:

message = dismiss_prompt session, fn(s) ->
  click(s,"Trigger prompt"))
@spec double_click(parent()) :: parent()

Double-clicks left mouse button at the current mouse coordinates.

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execute_query(parent, query)

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execute_script(session, script)

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@spec execute_script(parent(), String.t()) :: parent()

Executes JavaScript synchronously, taking as arguments the script to execute, an optional list of arguments available in the script via arguments, and an optional callback function with the result of script execution as a parameter.

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execute_script(session, script, arguments)

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@spec execute_script(parent(), String.t(), list()) :: parent()
@spec execute_script(parent(), String.t(), (binary() -> any())) :: parent()
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execute_script(parent, script, arguments, callback)

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@spec execute_script(parent(), String.t(), list(), (binary() -> any())) :: parent()
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execute_script_async(session, script)

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@spec execute_script_async(parent(), String.t()) :: parent()

Executes asynchronous JavaScript, taking as arguments the script to execute, an optional list of arguments available in the script via arguments, and an optional callback function with the result of script execution as a parameter.

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execute_script_async(session, script, arguments)

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@spec execute_script_async(parent(), String.t(), list()) :: parent()
@spec execute_script_async(parent(), String.t(), (binary() -> any())) :: parent()
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execute_script_async(parent, script, arguments, callback)

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@spec execute_script_async(parent(), String.t(), list(), (binary() -> any())) ::
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fill_in(parent, query, list)

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@spec fill_in(parent(), Wallaby.Query.t(), [{:with, String.t()}]) :: parent()

Fills in an element identified by query with value.

All inputs previously present in the input field will be overridden.



|> fill_in(Query.text_field("name"), with: "Chris")
|> fill_in(Query.css("#password_field"), with: "secret42")



Currently, ChromeDriver only supports BMP Unicode characters. Emojis are SMP characters and will be ignored by ChromeDriver.

Using JavaScript is a known workaround for filling in fields with Emojis and other non-BMP characters.

Finds and returns one or more DOM element(s) on the page based on the given query.

The query is scoped by the first argument, which is either the %Session{} or an %Element{}.



|> find(Query.css("#login-button"))
|> assert_text("Login")

buttons =
  |> find(Query.css(".login-button", count: 2, text: "Login"))



  • Blocks until it finds the element(s) or the max time is reached.
  • By default only 1 element is expected to match the query. If more elements are present then a count can be specified. Use count: :any to allow any number of elements to be present.
  • By default only elements that would be visible to a real user on the page are returned.
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find(parent, query, callback)

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@spec find(parent(), Wallaby.Query.t(), (Wallaby.Element.t() -> any())) :: parent()

Same as find/2, but takes a callback to enact side effects on the found element(s).



|> find(Query.css("#login-button"), fn button ->
  assert_text(button, "Login")

|> find(Query.css(".login-button", count: 2, text: "Login"), fn buttons ->
  assert 2 == length(buttons)



  • Returns the first argument to make the function pipe-able.
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@spec focus_default_frame(parent()) :: parent()

Changes the driver focus to the default (top level) frame.

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focus_frame(session, query)

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@spec focus_frame(parent(), Wallaby.Query.t()) :: parent()

Changes the driver focus to the frame found by query.

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@spec focus_parent_frame(parent()) :: parent()

Changes the driver focus to the parent frame.

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focus_window(session, window_handle)

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@spec focus_window(session :: Wallaby.Session.t(), window_handle :: String.t()) ::

Focuses the window identified by the given handle.

The window is either an instance of a browser tab or another operating system window.



feature "can switch between different tabs", %{session: session} do
  handle =
    |> visit("/home")
    |> window_handle()

  path =
    # click a link that takes you to a new tab
    |> click("External Page"))
    |> assert_text("Some text")
    |> focus_window(handle)
    |> current_path()

  assert "/home" == path
@spec has_css?(parent(), String.t()) :: boolean()
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has_css?(parent, query, css)

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@spec has_css?(parent(), Wallaby.Query.t(), String.t()) :: boolean()

Searches for CSS on the page.

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has_no_css?(parent, css)

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@spec has_no_css?(parent(), String.t()) :: boolean()
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has_no_css?(parent, query, css)

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@spec has_no_css?(parent(), Wallaby.Query.t(), String.t()) :: boolean()

Searches for CSS that should not be on the page

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has_text?(session, text)

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@spec has_text?(parent(), String.t()) :: boolean()
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has_text?(parent, query, text)

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@spec has_text?(parent(), Wallaby.Query.t(), String.t()) :: boolean()

Matches the parent's content with the provided text.

Returns a boolean that indicates if the text was found.



|> visit("/")
|> has_text?("Login")

Example providing query:

|> visit("/")
|> has_text?(Query.css(".login-button"), "Login")
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has_value?(element, value)

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@spec has_value?(Wallaby.Element.t(), any()) :: boolean()
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has_value?(parent, query, value)

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@spec has_value?(parent(), Wallaby.Query.t(), any()) :: boolean()

Matches the Element's value with the provided value.

@spec has?(parent(), Wallaby.Query.t()) :: boolean()

Validates that the query returns a result. This can be used to define other types of matchers.

@spec hover(parent(), Wallaby.Query.t()) :: parent()

Hovers over an element.

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@spec maximize_window(session :: Wallaby.Session.t()) :: Wallaby.Session.t()

Maximizes the current window.

The window is either an instance of a browser tab or another operating system window.

For most browsers, this requires a graphical window manager to be running.



feature "maximizes the window to the full size of the display", %{session: session} do
  %{"width" => width, "height" => height} =
    |> visit("/home")
    |> maximize_window()
    |> window_size()

  assert width == 1920
  assert height == 1080
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move_mouse_by(parent, x_offset, y_offset)

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@spec move_mouse_by(parent(), integer(), integer()) :: parent()

Moves mouse by an offset relative to current cursor position.

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move_window(session, x, y)

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@spec move_window(
  session :: Wallaby.Session.t(),
  x :: pos_integer(),
  y :: pos_integer()
) ::

Sets the position of the current window.

The window is either an instance of a browser tab or another operating system window.



feature "gets the current display position of the window", %{session: session} do
  %{"x" => x, "y" => y} =
    |> visit("/home")
    |> move_window(500, 500)
    |> window_position()

  assert x == 500
  assert y == 500
@spec page_source(parent()) :: String.t()

Retrieves the source of the current page.

@spec page_title(parent()) :: String.t()

Gets the title for the current page

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refute_has(parent, query)

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Checks if query is not present within parent and raises if it is found.

Returns the given parent if the query is not found so that it is easily pipeable.



|> visit("/")
|> refute_has(Query.css(".secret-admin-content"))
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resize_window(session, width, height)

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@spec resize_window(
  session :: Wallaby.Session.t(),
  width :: pos_integer(),
  height :: pos_integer()
) ::

Sets the size of the current window.

The window is either an instance of a browser tab or another operating system window.



feature "sets the size of the window to mobile dimensions", %{session: session} do
  %{"width" => width, "height" => height} =
    |> visit("/home")
    |> resize_window(375, 667)
    |> window_size()

  assert width == 375
  assert height == 667
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retry(f, start_time \\ current_time())

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@spec retry((() -> sync_result()), non_neg_integer()) :: sync_result()

Attempts to synchronize with the browser. This is most often used to execute queries repeatedly until it either exceeds the time limit or returns a success.



It is possible that this function never halts. Whenever we experience a stale reference error we retry the query without checking to see if we've run over our time. In practice we should eventually be able to query the DOM in a stable state. However, if this error does continue to occur it will cause wallaby to loop forever (or until the test is killed by exunit).

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selected?(parent, query)

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@spec selected?(parent(), Wallaby.Query.t()) :: boolean()

Checks if the element has been selected. Alias for checked?(element)

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send_keys(element, keys)

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@spec send_keys(parent(), Wallaby.Element.keys_to_send()) :: parent()
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send_keys(parent, query, list)

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Sends a list of key strokes to active element. If strings are included then they are sent as individual keys. Special keys should be provided as a list of atoms, which are automatically converted into the corresponding key codes.

For a list of available key codes see Wallaby.Helpers.KeyCodes.



iex> Wallaby.Browser.send_keys(session, ["Example Text", :enter])
iex> Wallaby.Browser.send_keys(session, [:enter])
iex> Wallaby.Browser.send_keys(session, [:shift, :enter])



Currently, ChromeDriver only supports BMP Unicode characters. Emojis are SMP characters and will be ignored by ChromeDriver.

Using JavaScript is a known workaround for filling in fields with Emojis and other non-BMP characters.

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set_cookie(session, key, value, attributes \\ [])

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set_value(parent, query, value)

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@spec set_value(parent(), Wallaby.Query.t(), Wallaby.Element.value()) :: parent()

Sets the value of an element. The allowed type for the value depends on the type of the element. The value may be:

  • a string of characters for a text element
  • :selected for a radio button, checkbox or select list option
  • :unselected for a checkbox
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take_screenshot(screenshotable, opts \\ [])

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@spec take_screenshot(parent(), [take_screenshot_opt()]) :: parent()

Takes a screenshot of the current window. Screenshots are saved to a "screenshots" directory in the same directory the tests are run in.

Pass [{:name, "some_name"}] to specify the file name. Defaults to a timestamp. Pass [{:log, true}] to log the location of the screenshot to stdout. Defaults to false.

@spec tap(parent(), Wallaby.Query.t()) :: session()

Taps the element.

@spec text(parent()) :: String.t()
@spec text(parent(), Wallaby.Query.t()) :: String.t()

Gets the Element's text value.

If the element is not visible, the return value will be "".

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touch_down(parent, x, y)

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@spec touch_down(parent(), integer(), integer()) :: session()

Touches the screen at the given position.

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touch_down(parent, query, x_offset \\ 0, y_offset \\ 0)

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@spec touch_down(parent(), Wallaby.Query.t(), integer(), integer()) :: session()

Touches and holds the element on its top-left corner plus an optional offset.

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touch_move(parent, x, y)

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@spec touch_move(parent(), non_neg_integer(), non_neg_integer()) :: parent()

Moves the touch pointer (finger, stylus etc.) on the screen to the point determined by the given coordinates.

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touch_scroll(parent, query, x, y)

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@spec touch_scroll(parent(), Wallaby.Query.t(), integer(), integer()) :: parent()

Scroll on the screen from the given element by the given offset using touch events.

@spec touch_up(parent()) :: parent()

Stops touching the screen.

@spec visible?(parent(), Wallaby.Query.t()) :: boolean()

Checks if the element is visible on the page

@spec visit(session(), String.t()) :: session()

Changes the current page to the provided route. Relative paths are appended to the provided base_url. Absolute paths do not use the base_url.

@spec window_handle(session :: Wallaby.Session.t()) :: String.t()

Gets the window handle of the current window.

The window is either an instance of a browser tab or another operating system window. Getting the current window handle makes it easy to return to the window in case you need to switch between them.



feature "can open a new tab and switch back to the original tab", %{session: session} do
  handle =
    |> visit("/home")
    |> window_handle()

  path =
    # click a link that takes you to a new tab
    |> click("External Page"))
    |> assert_text("Some text")
    |> focus_window(handle)
    |> current_path()

  assert "/home" == path
@spec window_handles(session :: Wallaby.Session.t()) :: [String.t()]

Gets the window handles of all available windows.

The window is either an instance of a browser tab or another operating system window.



feature "can open new tabs for external links", %{session: session} do
  handles =
    |> visit("/home")
    |> click("External Page"))
    |> click("Another External Page"))
    |> window_handles()

  assert 3 == length(path)
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@spec window_position(session :: Wallaby.Session.t()) :: %{
  required(String.t()) => pos_integer(),
  required(String.t()) => pos_integer()

Gets the position of the current window.

The window is either an instance of a browser tab or another operating system window.



feature "gets the current display position of the window", %{session: session} do
  %{"x" => x, "y" => y} =
    |> visit("/home")
    |> window_position()

  assert x == 200
  assert y == 200
@spec window_size(session :: Wallaby.Session.t()) :: %{
  required(String.t()) => pos_integer(),
  required(String.t()) => pos_integer()

Gets the size of the current window.

The window is either an instance of a browser tab or another operating system window.

This is useful for debugging responsive designs where the layout changes as the window size changes. The default window size is 1280x800.



feature "gets the size of the current window", %{session: session} do
  %{"width" => width, "height" => height} =
    |> visit("/home")
    |> window_size()

  assert width == 1280
  assert height == 800