View Source Wallaby (wallaby v0.30.10)

A concurrent feature testing library.


Wallaby supports the following options:

  • :otp_app - The name of your OTP application. This is used to check out your Ecto repos into the SQL Sandbox.
  • :screenshot_dir - The directory to store screenshots.
  • :screenshot_on_failure - if Wallaby should take screenshots on test failures (defaults to false).
  • :max_wait_time - The amount of time that Wallaby should wait to find an element on the page. (defaults to 3_000)
  • :js_errors - if Wallaby should re-throw JavaScript errors in elixir (defaults to true).
  • :js_logger - IO device where JavaScript console logs are written to. Defaults to :stdio. This option can also be set to a file or any other io device. You can disable JavaScript console logging by setting this to nil.



Ends a browser session.

Starts a browser session.


@type reason() :: any()
@type start_session_opts() :: {atom(), any()}


@spec end_session(Wallaby.Session.t()) :: :ok | {:error, reason()}

Ends a browser session.

Link to this function

start_session(opts \\ [])

View Source
@spec start_session([start_session_opts()]) ::
  {:ok, Wallaby.Session.t()} | {:error, reason()}

Starts a browser session.

Multiple sessions

Each session runs in its own browser so that each test runs in isolation. Because of this isolation multiple sessions can be created for a test:

@message_field Query.text_field("Share Message")
@share_button Query.button("Share")
@message_list Query.css(".messages")

test "That multiple sessions work" do
  {:ok, user1} = Wallaby.start_session
  |> visit("/page.html")
  |> fill_in(@message_field, with: "Hello there!")
  |> click(@share_button)

  {:ok, user2} = Wallaby.start_session
  |> visit("/page.html")
  |> fill_in(@message_field, with: "Hello yourself")
  |> click(@share_button)

  assert user1 |> find(@message_list) |> List.last |> text == "Hello yourself"
  assert user2 |> find(@message_list) |> List.first |> text == "Hello there"