Wasmex.Memory (wasmex v0.8.3)

Memory is a linear array of bytes to store Wasm values. The Memory module provides functions to read and write to this array.

Memory is accessible through Wasmex.Instance.memory/2, Wasmex.Memory.from_instance/2, or as the caller context of an imported function (see Wasmex.Instance.call_exported_function/5).

iex> %{store: store, module: module} = TestHelper.wasm_module()
iex> {:ok, instance} = Wasmex.Instance.new(store, module, %{})
iex> {:ok, memory} = Wasmex.Instance.memory(store, instance)
iex> Wasmex.Memory.set_byte(store, memory, 0, 42)
iex> Wasmex.Memory.get_byte(store, memory, 0)

Wasm memory is organized in pages of 64kb and may be grown by additional pages.

Link to this section Summary


Returns the exported memory resource of the given Wasmex.Instance.

Returns the byte at the given index.

Grows the amount of available memory by the given number of pages.

Reads the given number of bytes from the given memory at the given index.

Reads the given number of bytes from the given memory at the given index.

Sets the byte at the given index to the given value.

Returns the size in bytes of the given memory.

Writes the given binary into the memory at the given index.

Link to this section Types

@type t() :: %Wasmex.Memory{reference: reference(), resource: binary()}

Link to this section Functions

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from_instance(store_or_caller, instance)

@spec from_instance(Wasmex.StoreOrCaller.t(), Wasmex.Instance.t()) ::
  {:ok, t()} | {:error, binary()}

Returns the exported memory resource of the given Wasmex.Instance.



iex> %{store: store, module: module} = TestHelper.wasm_module()
iex> {:ok, instance} = Wasmex.Instance.new(store, module, %{})
iex> {:ok, %Wasmex.Memory{}} = Wasmex.Memory.from_instance(store, instance)
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get_byte(store_or_caller, memory, index)

@spec get_byte(Wasmex.StoreOrCaller.t(), t(), non_neg_integer()) :: number()

Returns the byte at the given index.



Set a value at memory position 0 and read it back:

iex> %{store: store, module: module} = TestHelper.wasm_module()
iex> {:ok, instance} = Wasmex.Instance.new(store, module, %{})
iex> {:ok, memory} = Wasmex.Memory.from_instance(store, instance)
iex> Wasmex.Memory.set_byte(store, memory, 0, 42)
iex> Wasmex.Memory.get_byte(store, memory, 0)
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grow(store_or_caller, memory, pages)

@spec grow(Wasmex.StoreOrCaller.t(), t(), pos_integer()) ::
  pos_integer() | {:error, binary()}

Grows the amount of available memory by the given number of pages.

Returns the number of previously available pages. A page has a size of 64 kB or 65,536 bytes.

Returns an error if memory could not be grown.



iex> %{store: store, module: module} = TestHelper.wasm_module()
iex> {:ok, instance} = Wasmex.Instance.new(store, module, %{})
iex> {:ok, memory} = Wasmex.Memory.from_instance(store, instance)
iex> Wasmex.Memory.grow(store, memory, 1)
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read_binary(store_or_caller, memory, index, length)

@spec read_binary(
) :: binary()

Reads the given number of bytes from the given memory at the given index.

Returns the read bytes as a binary.



Reads 5 bytes from memory position 0, given it contains the 5 ASCII characters forming "hello".

iex> %{store: store, module: module} = TestHelper.wasm_module()
iex> {:ok, instance} = Wasmex.Instance.new(store, module, %{})
iex> {:ok, memory} = Wasmex.Memory.from_instance(store, instance)
iex> Wasmex.Memory.write_binary(store, memory, 0, "hello")
iex> Wasmex.Memory.read_binary(store, memory, 0, 5)
iex> Wasmex.Memory.read_binary(store, memory, 3, 2)
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read_string(store, memory, index, length)

@spec read_string(
) :: String.t()

Reads the given number of bytes from the given memory at the given index.

Returns the read bytes as a string.



Reads 5 bytes from memory position 0, given it contains the 5 ASCII characters forming "hello".

iex> %{store: store, module: module} = TestHelper.wasm_module()
iex> {:ok, instance} = Wasmex.Instance.new(store, module, %{})
iex> {:ok, memory} = Wasmex.Memory.from_instance(store, instance)
iex> Wasmex.Memory.write_binary(store, memory, 0, "hello")
iex> Wasmex.Memory.read_string(store, memory, 0, 5)
iex> Wasmex.Memory.read_string(store, memory, 3, 2)
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set_byte(store_or_caller, memory, index, value)

@spec set_byte(Wasmex.StoreOrCaller.t(), t(), non_neg_integer(), number()) ::
  :ok | {:error, binary()}

Sets the byte at the given index to the given value.



Set a value at memory position 0 and read it back:

iex> %{store: store, module: module} = TestHelper.wasm_module()
iex> {:ok, instance} = Wasmex.Instance.new(store, module, %{})
iex> {:ok, memory} = Wasmex.Memory.from_instance(store, instance)
iex> Wasmex.Memory.set_byte(store, memory, 0, 42)
iex> Wasmex.Memory.get_byte(store, memory, 0)
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size(store_or_caller, memory)

@spec size(Wasmex.StoreOrCaller.t(), t()) :: pos_integer()

Returns the size in bytes of the given memory.

Note that the size of the memory is always a multiple of 64kb (one page).



iex> %{store: store, module: module} = TestHelper.wasm_module()
iex> {:ok, instance} = Wasmex.Instance.new(store, module, %{})
iex> {:ok, memory} = Wasmex.Memory.from_instance(store, instance)
iex> Wasmex.Memory.size(store, memory)
1114112 # in bytes (17 pages of 64 kB)
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write_binary(store_or_caller, memory, index, binary)

@spec write_binary(
) :: :ok

Writes the given binary into the memory at the given index.



Writes 5 bytes representing the ASCII characters for "hello" at memory position 0.

iex> %{store: store, module: module} = TestHelper.wasm_module()
iex> {:ok, instance} = Wasmex.Instance.new(store, module, %{})
iex> {:ok, memory} = Wasmex.Memory.from_instance(store, instance)
iex> Wasmex.Memory.write_binary(store, memory, 0, "hello")