Wasmex.StoreLimits (wasmex v0.8.3)

Configures limits to limit resource creation within a Wasmex.Store.

Whenever resources such as linear memory, tables, or instances are allocated the StoreLimits specified here are enforced.



  • :memory_size - The maximum number of bytes a linear memory can grow to. Growing a linear memory beyond this limit will fail. By default, linear memory will not be limited.
  • :table_elements - The maximum number of elements in a table. Growing a table beyond this limit will fail. By default, table elements will not be limited.
  • :instances - The maximum number of instances that can be created for a Wasmex.Store. Module instantiation will fail if this limit is exceeded. This value defaults to 10,000.
  • :tables - The maximum number of tables that can be created for a Wasmex.Store. Module instantiation will fail if this limit is exceeded. This value defaults to 10,000.
  • :memories - The maximum number of linear memories that can be created for a Wasmex.Store. Instantiation will fail with an error if this limit is exceeded. This value defaults to 10,000.



iex> Wasmex.Store.new(%Wasmex.StoreLimits{
...>   memory_size: 1_000_000,
...>   table_elements: 100_000,
...>   instances: 2,
...>   tables: 10
...>   memories: 10
...> })

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@type t() :: %Wasmex.StoreLimits{
  instances: non_neg_integer() | nil,
  memories: non_neg_integer() | nil,
  memory_size: non_neg_integer() | nil,
  table_elements: non_neg_integer() | nil,
  tables: non_neg_integer() | nil