View Source Wax.Attestation (wax_ v0.6.5)
Link to this section Summary
The attestation statement
The attestation statement format
The attestation path
The attestation type
Link to this section Types
@type result() :: {type(), trust_path() | nil, Wax.Metadata.statement() | nil}
@type statement() :: map()
The attestation statement
@type statement_format() ::
:packed | :tpm | :android_key | :safetynet | :apple | :fido_u2f | :none
The attestation statement format
@type trust_path() :: [binary()]
The attestation path
Der-encoded certificates, the first certificate is the leaf / attestation certificate
@type type() :: :basic | :self | :attca | :anonca | :ecdaa | :uncertain | :none
The attestation type