View Source WeChat.HubServer (wechat v0.15.1)

Helper for hub server



@type env() :: String.t()
@type oauth2_callbacks() :: %{required(env()) => url()}
@type url() :: String.t()


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@spec clean_oauth2_callbacks(WeChat.client()) :: :ok
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del_oauth2_env_url(client, env)

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@spec del_oauth2_env_url(WeChat.client(), env()) :: true
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del_oauth2_env_url(client, agent, env)

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@spec del_oauth2_env_url(WeChat.client(), WeChat.Work.agent(), env()) :: true
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get_oauth2_env_url(client, env)

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@spec get_oauth2_env_url(WeChat.client(), env()) :: nil | url()
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get_oauth2_env_url(client, agent, env)

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@spec get_oauth2_env_url(WeChat.client(), WeChat.Work.agent(), env()) :: nil | url()
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@spec list_oauth2_callbacks(WeChat.client()) :: oauth2_callbacks()
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set_oauth2_callbacks(client, oauth2_callbacks)

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@spec set_oauth2_callbacks(WeChat.client(), oauth2_callbacks()) :: [true]
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set_oauth2_callbacks(client, agent, oauth2_callbacks)

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@spec set_oauth2_callbacks(WeChat.client(), WeChat.Work.agent(), oauth2_callbacks()) ::
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set_oauth2_env_url(client, env, url)

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@spec set_oauth2_env_url(WeChat.client(), env(), url()) :: true
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set_oauth2_env_url(client, agent, env, url)

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@spec set_oauth2_env_url(WeChat.client(), WeChat.Work.agent(), env(), url()) :: true