View Source WeChat.ServerMessage.ReplyMessage (wechat v0.16.0)





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biz_msg_menu(show_text, reply_text \\ nil, id \\ 0)

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Link to this function

reply_image(to_openid, from_wx_no, timestamp, media_id)

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回复图片消息 - 官方文档

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reply_msg(signature, nonce, timestamp, encrypt_content)

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回包加密 - 官方文档

Link to this function

reply_music(to_openid, from_wx_no, timestamp, title, desc, music_url, hq_music_url, thumb_media_id)

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回复音乐消息 - 官方文档

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reply_news(to_openid, from_wx_no, timestamp, article_items)

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回复图文消息 - 官方文档

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reply_text(to_openid, from_wx_no, timestamp, content)

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回复文本消息 - 官方文档

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reply_video(to_openid, from_wx_no, timestamp, media_id, title, desc)

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回复视频消息 - 官方文档

Link to this function

reply_voice(to_openid, from_wx_no, timestamp, media_id)

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回复语音消息 - 官方文档

Link to this function

transfer_customer_service(to_openid, from_wx_no, timestamp)

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消息转发客服消息 - 官方文档

Link to this function

transfer_customer_service(to_openid, from_wx_no, timestamp, kf_account)

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消息转发到指定客服 - 官方文档

Link to this function

update_template_card(to_user, from_user, timestamp, template_card_xml)

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模板卡片更新消息(更新点击用户的整张卡片) - 官方文档

Link to this function

update_template_card_button(to_user, from_user, timestamp, replace_name)

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模板卡片更新消息(更新点击用户的按钮文案) - 官方文档
