Wiki.Action (wiki_elixir v0.2.5) View Source

Adapter to the MediaWiki Action API

Most commands return a pipeable Wiki.Action.Session, which can be reused repeatedly.

Anonymous requests,

|> Wiki.Site.get()
|> Wiki.Action.get(
  action: :query,
  meta: :siteinfo,
  siprop: :statistics
# %Wiki.Action.Session{
#   __client__: %Tesla.Client{
#     adapter: {Tesla.Adapter.Hackney, :call, [[]]},
#     fun: nil,
#     post: [],
#     pre: [
#       {Tesla.Middleware.BaseUrl, :call, [""]},
#       {Tesla.Middleware.Compression, :call, [[format: "gzip"]]},
#       {Wiki.StatefulClient.CookieJar, :call, [[]]},
#       {Tesla.Middleware.FormUrlencoded, :call, [[]]},
#       {Tesla.Middleware.Headers, :call,
#       [[{"user-agent", "wiki_elixir/0.2.2 ("}]]},
#       {Tesla.Middleware.JSON, :call, [[]]}
#     ]
#   },
#   result: %{
#     "batchcomplete" => true,
#     "query" => %{
#       "statistics" => %{
#         "activeusers" => 19393,
#         "admins" => 188,
#         "articles" => 2583636,
#         "edits" => 211249646,
#         "images" => 130213,
#         "jobs" => 0,
#         "pages" => 7164514,
#         "queued-massmessages" => 0,
#         "users" => 3716049
#       }
#     }
#   },
#   state: [
#     cookies: %{
#       "GeoIP" => "DE:BE:Berlin:52.57:13.42:v4",
#       "WMF-Last-Access" => "04-Jun-2021",
#       "WMF-Last-Access-Global" => "04-Jun-2021"
#     }
#   ]
# }

Commands can be pipelined while accumulating results, and logged-in user permissions delegated by supplying a bot password.

|> Wiki.Site.get()
  accumulate: true
|> Wiki.Action.authenticate(
  Application.get_env(:example_app, :bot_username),
  Application.get_env(:example_app, :bot_password)
|> Wiki.Action.get(
  action: :query,
  meta: :tokens,
  type: :csrf
|> (&,
  action: :edit,
  title: "Sandbox",
  assert: :user,
  token: &1.result["query"]["tokens"]["csrftoken"],
  appendtext: "~~~~ was here."
|> Map.get(:result)
|> IO.inspect()

Streaming results from multiple requests using continuation,

  action: :query,
  list: :recentchanges,
  rclimit: 5
|> Stream.take(10)
|> Enum.flat_map(fn response -> response["query"]["recentchanges"] end)
|> rc -> rc["timestamp"] <> " " <> rc["title"] end)
|> IO.inspect()

Link to this section Summary


Make requests to authenticate a client session. This should only be done using a bot username and password, which can be created for any normal user account.

Make an API GET request

Create a new client session

Make an API POST request.

Make a GET request and follow continuations until exhausted or the stream is closed.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

authenticate(session, username, password)

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Make requests to authenticate a client session. This should only be done using a bot username and password, which can be created for any normal user account.


  • session - Base session pointing to a wiki.
  • username - Bot username, may be different than the final logged-in username.
  • password - Bot password. Protect this string, it allows others to take on-wiki actions on your behalf.

Return value

Authenticated session object.

Link to this function

get(session, params, opts \\ [])

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Make an API GET request


  • session - Wiki.Action.Session object.
  • params - Keyword list of query parameters as atoms or strings.
  • opts - Options to pass to the adapter.

Return value

Session object with its .result populated.


Create a new client session


  • site - Site.Spec or raw api.php endpoint for the wiki you will connect to. For example, "".
  • opts
    • :accumulate - Merge results from each step of a pipeline, rather than overwriting with the latest response.
Link to this function

post(session, params, opts \\ [])

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Make an API POST request.


  • session - Wiki.Action.Session object. If credentials are required for this action, you should have created this object with the authenticate/3 function.
  • params - Keyword list of query parameters as atoms or strings.
  • opts - Options to pass to the adapter.

Return value

Session object with a populated :result attribute.


Make a GET request and follow continuations until exhausted or the stream is closed.


  • session - Wiki.Action.Session object.
  • params - Keyword list of query parameters as atoms or strings.

Return value

Enumerable Stream, where each returned chunk is a raw result map, possibly containing multiple records. This corresponds to session.result from the other entry points.