Witchcraft.Bifunctor.Proto protocol (Witchcraft v1.0.4) View Source

Protocol for the Elixir.Witchcraft.Bifunctor type class

For this type class's API, please refer to Elixir.Witchcraft.Bifunctor

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map separate fuctions over two fields in a product type.

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bimap(Witchcraft.Bifunctor.t(), (any() -> any()), (any() -> any())) ::

map separate fuctions over two fields in a product type.

The order of fields doesn't always matter in the map. The first/second function application is determined by the instance. It also does not have to map all fields in a product type.


%Combo{a: 5, b: :ok, c: "hello"} |> bimap(&(&1 * 100), &String.upcase/1)
#=> %Combo{a: 500, b: :ok, c: "HELLO"}


iex> {1, "a"} |> bimap(&(&1 * 100), &(&1 <> "!"))
{100, "a!"}

iex> {:msg, 42, "number is below 50"}
...> |> bimap(&(%{subject: &1}), &String.upcase/1)
{:msg, %{subject: 42}, "NUMBER IS BELOW 50"}