View Source WuunderUtils.Maps (Wuunder Utils v0.8.1)

Contains a set of helpers to deal with some complex stuff with Maps and Structs



Maps a given field from given (if not in map)

Mass maps a given input with aliasses

Tests if the map or struct is present

Deletes a list of keys from a map (and all nested maps, lists) Usefull when you want to scrub out IDs for instance.

Trims an incoming map/list/tuple. Removes all keys that have a nil value. Structs with an empty value will reset to the default value. Items in lists and tuples that contain nil values will be deleted.

Removes a key from a map. Doesn't matter if the key is an atom or string

Removes a deeply nested set of keys

Generates an empty map and list from a given set of keys

Flattens a map. This results in a map that just contains one level

Creates a clean map from a given struct. This function deep structs, maps, lists etc. to a map and uses a set of default transformers as defined in default_struct_fransform/0.

Retrieves a key from a map regardless of the key type (atom/string) Note: This function does not generate new atoms on the fly.

Acts as Kernel.get_in but can also be used on Structs. Has a lot of more extra functionalities

Creates a map from a given set of fields. The output will always be a string.

Tests if the given map only consists of atom keys

Maps a given function over entire structure (map/list/struct/tuple)

Acts as an IndifferentMap. Put a key/value regardless of the key type. If the map contains keys as atoms, the value will be stored as atom: value. If the map contains strings as keys it will store the value as binary: value

Acts as Kernel.put-in but can also be used on Structs. Has a lot of more extra functionalities

Only puts value in map when value is actually nil (not the same as empty)

Only puts value in map when the value is considered empty

Conditionally puts a value to a given map. Depending on the condition or the value, the key+value will be set to the map


@type map_key() :: atom() | binary()


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alias_field(map, from, to)

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@spec alias_field(map(), atom(), atom()) :: map()

Maps a given field from given (if not in map)


iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.alias_field(%{country: "NL"}, :country, :country_code)
%{country_code: "NL"}

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.alias_field(%{"country" => "NL"}, :country, :country_code)
%{"country_code" => "NL"}

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.alias_field(%{street_name: "Straatnaam"}, :street, :street_address)
%{street_name: "Straatnaam"}
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alias_fields(map, aliasses)

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@spec alias_fields(map(), map()) :: map()

Mass maps a given input with aliasses


iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.alias_fields(%{country: "NL", street: "Straat", number: 666}, %{country: :country_code, street: :street_name, number: :house_number})
%{country_code: "NL", house_number: 666, street_name: "Straat"}
@spec any?(Ecto.Association.NotLoaded.t() | nil | map()) :: boolean()

Tests if the map or struct is present


iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.any?(nil)

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.any?(%{})

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.any?(%{a: 1})

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.any?(%Person{})

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.any?(%Ecto.Association.NotLoaded{})
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delete_all(map, keys_to_delete)

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@spec delete_all(map(), [String.t() | atom()]) :: map()

Deletes a list of keys from a map (and all nested maps, lists) Usefull when you want to scrub out IDs for instance.


iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.delete_all(
...>   %{
...>      shipment: %{
...>        id: "shipment-id",
...>        wuunder_id: "WUUNDERID"
...>      },
...>      order_lines: [
...>        %{id: "123", sku: "SKU01"},
...>        %{id: "456", sku: "SKU02"},
...>        %{id: "789", sku: "SKU03"}
...>      ],
...>      meta: %{
...>        configuration_id: "nothing"
...>      }
...>   },
...>   [:id, :configuration_id]
...> )
  meta: %{},
  order_lines: [%{sku: "SKU01"}, %{sku: "SKU02"}, %{sku: "SKU03"}],
  shipment: %{wuunder_id: "WUUNDERID"}

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.delete_all([
...>   %{id: "123", name: "test1"},
...>   %{id: "456", name: "test2"},
...>   %{id: "789", name: "test3"}
...> ], [:id])
[%{name: "test1"}, %{name: "test2"}, %{name: "test3"}]
@spec delete_empty(any()) :: any()

Trims an incoming map/list/tuple. Removes all keys that have a nil value. Structs with an empty value will reset to the default value. Items in lists and tuples that contain nil values will be deleted.


  iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.delete_empty(%{name: nil, last_name: "Jansen"})
  %{last_name: "Jansen"}

  iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.delete_empty(%{name: nil, last_name: nil})

  iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.delete_empty({1, 2, nil, 3, 4})
  {1, 2, 3, 4}

  iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.delete_empty([1, 2, nil, 3, 4])
  [1, 2, 3, 4]

  iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.delete_empty(%{items: [%{a: nil, b: nil}, %{a: 1, b: 2}]})
  %{items: [%{a: 1, b: 2}]}

  iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.delete_empty(%{items: [%{a: [1, nil, %{x: 1337, y: {1, nil, 2, {nil, nil}}}], b: nil}, %{a: 1, b: 2}]})
  %{items: [%{a: [1, %{y: {1, 2}, x: 1337}]}, %{a: 1, b: 2}]}
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delete_field(struct, key)

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@spec delete_field(any(), map_key() | non_neg_integer()) :: any()

Removes a key from a map. Doesn't matter if the key is an atom or string


iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.delete_field(%{length: 255, weight: 100}, :length)
%{weight: 100}

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.delete_field(%{length: 255, weight: 100}, "length")
%{weight: 100}

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.delete_field(%{"value" => 50, "currency" => "EUR"}, "currency")
%{"value" => 50}

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.delete_field(%{"value" => 50, "currency" => "EUR"}, :currency)
%{"value" => 50}

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.delete_field(["a", "b", "c"], 1)
["a", "c"]

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.delete_field({"a", "b", "c"}, 1)
{"a", "c"}

iex> country = %Country{code: "NL"}
...> WuunderUtils.Maps.delete_field(country, :code)
%Country{code: ""}

iex> country = %Country{code: "NL"}
...> WuunderUtils.Maps.delete_field(country, "code")
%Country{code: ""}

iex> country = %Country{code: "NL"}
...> WuunderUtils.Maps.delete_field(country, "does_not_exist")
%Country{code: "NL"}
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delete_field_in(value, path)

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@spec delete_field_in(any(), [atom()] | String.t()) :: any()

Removes a deeply nested set of keys


iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.delete_field_in(%{"data" => [%{"name" => "Piet"}, %{"name" => "Henk"}]}, "")
%{"data" => [%{}, %{"name" => "Henk"}]}

iex> person = %Person{
...>   country: %Country{code: "NL"},
...>   address: %Address{
...>     street: "Teststreet",
...>     company: %Company{name: "Wuunder"}
...>   },
...>   meta: %{
...>     skills: [
...>       "programmer",
...>       "manager",
...>       %{type: "hobby", name: "painting", grades: {"A+", "C"}}
...>     ]
...>   }
...> }
...> WuunderUtils.Maps.delete_field_in(person, [:country, :code])
  country: %Country{code: ""},
  address: %Address{
    street: "Teststreet",
    company: %Company{name: "Wuunder"}
  meta: %{
    skills: [
      %{type: "hobby", name: "painting", grades: {"A+", "C"}}
iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.delete_field_in(person, "meta.skills.1")
  country: %Country{code: "NL"},
  address: %Address{
    street: "Teststreet",
    company: %Company{name: "Wuunder"}
  meta: %{
    skills: [
      %{type: "hobby", name: "painting", grades: {"A+", "C"}}
@spec empty_map(String.t() | list()) :: map()

Generates an empty map and list from a given set of keys


iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.empty_map([:person, :name, :meta, 0, :hobby, :type])
%{"person" => %{"name" => %{"meta" => [%{"hobby" => %{"type" => %{}}}]}}}

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.empty_map([:person, :name, :meta, 0, :hobbies, 0, :type])
%{"person" => %{"name" => %{"meta" => [%{"hobbies" => [%{"type" => %{}}]}]}}}
@spec empty_map(map() | list(), list()) :: map() | list()
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@spec flatten(map() | list() | tuple()) :: map()

Flattens a map. This results in a map that just contains one level


  • key_separator (default .)
  • underscore_key (default true)
  • list_index_start (default 1)


iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.flatten(%{
...>   test: "123",
...>   order_lines: [
...>     %{sku: "123", description: "test"},
...>     %{sku: "456", description: "test 2"}
...>   ],
...>   meta: %{
...>     data: "test"
...>   }
...> })
  "test" => "123",
  "order_lines.1.sku" => "123",
  "order_lines.1.description" => "test",
  "order_lines.2.sku" => "456",
  "order_lines.2.description" => "test 2",
  "" => "test"

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.flatten({1, 2, 3})
  "1" => 1,
  "2" => 2,
  "3" => 3,

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.flatten([
...>     %{sku: "123", description: "test"},
...>     %{sku: "456", description: "test 2"}
...> ])
  "1.sku" => "123",
  "1.description" => "test",
  "2.sku" => "456",
  "2.description" => "test 2"

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.flatten(
...>   %{
...>     test: "123",
...>     order_lines: [
...>       %{sku: "123", description: "test"},
...>       %{sku: "456", description: "test 2"}
...>     ],
...>     meta: %{
...>       data: "test"
...>     },
...>     tuple: {1, 2, 3}
...>   },
...>   key_separator: "_",
...>   list_index_start: 0
...> )
  "test" => "123",
  "order_lines_0_sku" => "123",
  "order_lines_0_description" => "test",
  "order_lines_1_sku" => "456",
  "order_lines_1_description" => "test 2",
  "tuple_0" => 1,
  "tuple_1" => 2,
  "tuple_2" => 3,
  "meta_data" => "test"
@spec flatten(map() | list() | tuple(), Keyword.t()) :: map()
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flatten(tuple, initial_map, key_prefix, options)

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@spec flatten(map() | list() | tuple(), map(), String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: map()
@spec from_struct(any()) :: any()

Creates a clean map from a given struct. This function deep structs, maps, lists etc. to a map and uses a set of default transformers as defined in default_struct_fransform/0.

There is also an option to omit the transform option to add an extra set of transformers.

Took some inspiration from this great lib:

Note: It's also able to convert Ecto models to flat maps. It uses the defined Ecto fields for that.


iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.from_struct(%Person{
...>   first_name: "Peter",
...>   last_name: "Pan",
...>   date_of_birth: ~D[1980-01-02],
...>   weight:"81.5"),
...>   country: %{code: "UK"},
...>   time_of_death: ~T[13:37:37]
...> })
  address: nil,
  date_of_birth: "1980-01-02",
  first_name: "Peter",
  last_name: "Pan",
  time_of_death: "13:37:37",
  weight: "81.5",
  country: %{code: "UK"},
  meta: %{}

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.from_struct(
...>   %Person{
...>     first_name: "Peter",
...>     last_name: "Pan",
...>     date_of_birth: ~D[1980-01-02],
...>     weight:"81.5"),
...>     country: %Country{code: "UK"},
...>     time_of_death: ~T[13:37:37]
...>   },
...>   transform: [{Country, fn x -> "COUNTRY:" <> x.code end}]
...> )
  address: nil,
  date_of_birth: "1980-01-02",
  first_name: "Peter",
  last_name: "Pan",
  time_of_death: "13:37:37",
  weight: "81.5",
  country: "COUNTRY:UK",
  meta: %{}

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.from_struct(
...>   %Person{
...>     address: %Address{
...>       street: "Straat",
...>       number: 13,
...>       zipcode: "1122AB"
...>     },
...>     first_name: "Peter",
...>     last_name: "Pan",
...>     date_of_birth: ~D[1980-01-02],
...>     weight:"81.5"),
...>     country: %{code: "UK"},
...>     time_of_death: ~T[13:37:37]
...>   }
...> )
  address: %{company: nil, number: 13, street: "Straat", zipcode: "1122AB"},
  date_of_birth: "1980-01-02",
  first_name: "Peter",
  last_name: "Pan",
  time_of_death: "13:37:37",
  weight: "81.5",
  country: %{code: "UK"},
  meta: %{}
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from_struct(value, transform)

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@spec from_struct(any(), list()) :: any()
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get_field(map, key, default \\ nil)

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@spec get_field(any(), map_key() | non_neg_integer(), any()) :: any()

Retrieves a key from a map regardless of the key type (atom/string) Note: This function does not generate new atoms on the fly.


iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field(%{value: 20}, :value)

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field(%{"value" => 20}, :value)

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field(%{value: 20}, "value")

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field(%{value: 20}, "non-existent")

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field(%{value: 20}, :weight)

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field(%{value: 20}, :weight, 350)

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field(%{value: 20}, "currency", "EUR")

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field([name: "Henk", name: "Kees", last_name: "Jansen"], "name")

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field(["a", "b", "c"], 1)

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field(["a", "b", "c"], 3, "d")

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field({"a", "b", "c"}, 1)

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field({"a", "b", "c"}, 3, "d")
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get_field_in(value, path, default \\ nil)

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Acts as Kernel.get_in but can also be used on Structs. Has a lot of more extra functionalities:

  • You can access lists (nested too)
  • You can use mixed keys, they can be Atoms or Strings
  • You can use a list to access the properties or a string representation


iex> person = %Person{
...>   country: %Country{code: "NL"},
...>   address: %Address{
...>     street: "Teststreet",
...>     company: %Company{name: "Wuunder"}
...>   },
...>   meta: %{
...>     skills: [
...>       "programmer",
...>       "manager",
...>       %{type: "hobby", name: "painting", grades: {"A+", "C"}}
...>     ]
...>   }
...> }
...> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field_in(person, [:country, :code])
iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field_in(person, "country.code")
iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field_in(person, [:address, :company])
%Company{name: "Wuunder"}
iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field_in(person, [:address, :company, :name])
iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field_in(person, [:meta, :skills])
["programmer", "manager", %{name: "painting", type: "hobby", grades: {"A+", "C"}}]
iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field_in(person, [:meta, :skills, 1])
iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field_in(person, "meta.skills.1")
iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field_in(person, [:meta, :skills, 2, :type])
iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field_in(person, "meta.skills.2.type")
iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field_in(person, "meta.skills.2.non_existent")
iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field_in(person, "meta.skills.2.non_existent", "default")
iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field_in(person, "meta.skills.2.grades.0")
iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field_in(person, "meta.skills.2.grades.2", "none")

iex> keyword_list = [
...>   name: "Henk",
...>   last_name: "Jansen",
...>   addresses: [
...>     %{"street" => "Laan", "number" => 1},
...>     %{"street" => "Straat", "number" => 1337}
...>   ]
...> ]
iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field_in(keyword_list, "name")
iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field_in(keyword_list, "addresses")
[%{"number" => 1, "street" => "Laan"}, %{"number" => 1337, "street" => "Straat"}]
iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field_in(keyword_list, "addresses.0")
%{"number" => 1, "street" => "Laan"}
iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field_in(keyword_list, "addresses.1.street")
iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field_in(keyword_list, "addresses.1.other_field", "none")
iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_field_in(keyword_list, "addresses.2.other_field", "none")
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get_fields_in(value, fields)

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@spec get_fields_in(map() | struct() | list(), list()) :: map()

Creates a map from a given set of fields. The output will always be a string.


iex> person = %Person{
...>   country: %Country{code: "NL"},
...>   address: %Address{
...>     street: "Teststreet",
...>     company: %Company{name: "Wuunder"}
...>   },
...>   meta: %{
...>     skills: [
...>       "programmer",
...>       "manager",
...>       %{type: "hobby", name: "painting"}
...>     ]
...>   }
...> }
...> WuunderUtils.Maps.get_fields_in(
...>   person,
...>   [
...>     [:country, :code],
...>     [:address, :street],
...>     [:meta, :skills, 2, :type]
...>   ]
...> )
  "address" => %{"street" => "Teststreet"},
  "country" => %{"code" => "NL"},
  "meta" => %{
    "skills" => [
      %{"type" => "hobby"}
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@spec has_only_atom_keys?(map() | struct()) :: boolean()

Tests if the given map only consists of atom keys


iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.has_only_atom_keys?(%{a: 1, b: 2})

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.has_only_atom_keys?(%{:a => 1, "b" => 2})

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.has_only_atom_keys?(%{"a" => 1, "b" => 2})
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@spec map_all(any(), function()) :: any()

Maps a given function over entire structure (map/list/struct/tuple)


  iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.map_all(%{name: " test ", data: ["some item", "other item   ", %{x: "  value"}]}, &WuunderUtils.Presence.trim/1)
  %{data: ["some item", "other item", %{x: "value"}], name: "test"}
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put_field(map, key, value)

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@spec put_field(map() | struct() | list() | nil, String.t() | atom(), any()) ::
  map() | struct() | list()

Acts as an IndifferentMap. Put a key/value regardless of the key type. If the map contains keys as atoms, the value will be stored as atom: value. If the map contains strings as keys it will store the value as binary: value


iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.put_field(%{value: 20}, :weight, 350)
%{value: 20, weight: 350}

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.put_field(["a", "b", "c"], 1, "d")
["a", "d", "c"]

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.put_field(["a", "b", "c"], 4, "d")
["a", "b", "c"]

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.put_field(%{value: 20, weight: 200}, "weight", 350)
%{value: 20, weight: 350}

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.put_field(%{value: 20}, "weight", 350)
%{:value => 20, "weight" => 350}

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.put_field(%{"weight" => 350}, :value, 25)
%{"weight" => 350, "value" => 25}

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.put_field(%{"weight" => 350}, "value", 25)
%{"weight" => 350, "value" => 25}
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put_field_in(value, path, value_to_set)

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@spec put_field_in(
  map() | struct() | list() | nil,
  [atom() | String.t()] | String.t(),
) :: any()

Acts as Kernel.put-in but can also be used on Structs. Has a lot of more extra functionalities:

  • You can access lists (nested too)
  • You can use mixed keys, they can be Atoms or Strings
  • You can use a list to access the properties or a string representation


iex> person = %Person{
...>   country: %Country{code: "NL"},
...>   address: %Address{
...>     street: "Teststreet",
...>     company: %Company{name: "Wuunder"}
...>   },
...>   meta: %{
...>     skills: [
...>       "programmer",
...>       "manager",
...>       %{type: "hobby", name: "painting"}
...>     ]
...>   }
...> }
iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.put_field_in(person, [:first_name], "Piet")
%Person{person | first_name: "Piet"}
iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.put_field_in(person, [:country, :code], "US")
%Person{person | country: %Country{code: "US"}}
iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.put_field_in(person, [:meta, :skills, 1], "vaultdweller")
%Person{person | meta: %{skills: ["programmer", "vaultdweller", %{name: "painting", type: "hobby"}]}}
iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.put_field_in(person, [:meta, :skills, 2, :name], "walking")
%Person{person | meta: %{skills: ["programmer", "manager", %{name: "walking", type: "hobby"}]}}
iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.put_field_in(person, "", "walking")
%Person{person | meta: %{skills: ["programmer", "manager", %{name: "walking", type: "hobby"}]}}
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put_if_not_nil(map, key, value)

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@spec put_if_not_nil(map(), map_key(), any()) :: map()

Only puts value in map when value is actually nil (not the same as empty)


iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.put_if_not_nil(%{street: "Straat"}, :street, "Laan")
%{street: "Laan"}

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.put_if_not_nil(%{street: "Straat"}, :street, nil)
%{street: "Straat"}

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.put_if_not_nil(%{street: "Straat"}, :street, "     ")
%{street: "     "}
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put_if_present(map, key, value)

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@spec put_if_present(map(), map_key(), any()) :: map()

Only puts value in map when the value is considered empty


iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.put_if_present(%{street: "Straat"}, :street, "Laan")
%{street: "Laan"}

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.put_if_present(%{street: "Straat"}, :street, nil)
%{street: "Straat"}

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.put_if_present(%{street: "Straat"}, :street, "     ")
%{street: "Straat"}
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put_when(map, condition, key, value)

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@spec put_when(map(), function() | boolean(), map_key(), any()) :: map()

Conditionally puts a value to a given map. Depending on the condition or the value, the key+value will be set to the map


iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.put_when(%{street: "Straat"}, 1 == 1, :number, 13)
%{number: 13, street: "Straat"}

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.put_when(%{street: "Straat"}, fn -> "value" == "value" end, :number, 13)
%{number: 13, street: "Straat"}

iex> WuunderUtils.Maps.put_when(%{street: "Straat"}, 10 > 20, :number, 13)
%{street: "Straat"}