Xgit v0.1.6 Xgit.Repository.WorkingTree.ParseIndexFile View Source

Parse a git index file and turn it into a corresponding Xgit.Core.DirCache structure.

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Error codes which can be returned by from_iodevice/1.


Read index file from an IO.device (typically an opened file) and returns a corresponding Xgit.Core.DirCache struct.

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from_iodevice_reason() ::
  | :invalid_format
  | :unsupported_version
  | :too_many_entries
  | :extensions_not_supported
  | :sha_hash_mismatch
  | File.posix()

Error codes which can be returned by from_iodevice/1.

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from_iodevice(iodevice :: IO.device()) ::
  {:ok, dir_cache :: Xgit.Core.DirCache.t()}
  | {:error, reason :: from_iodevice_reason()}

Read index file from an IO.device (typically an opened file) and returns a corresponding Xgit.Core.DirCache struct.

IMPORTANT: The IO.device must be created using Xgit.Util.TrailingHashDevice.

Return Value

{:ok, dir_cache} if the iodevice contains a valid index file.

{:error, :not_sha_hash_device} if the iodevice was not created using Xgit.Util.TrailingHashDevice.

{:error, :invalid_format} if the iodevice can not be parsed as an index file.

{:error, :unsupported_version} if the index file is not a version 2 index file. Other versions are not supported at this time.

{:error, :too_many_entries} if the index files contains more than 100,000 entries. This is an arbitrary limit to guard against malformed files and to prevent overconsumption of memory. With experience, it could be revisited.

{:error, :extensions_not_supported} if any index file extensions are present. Parsing extensions is not yet supported. (See issue #67.)

{:error, :sha_hash_mismatch} if the SHA-1 hash written at the end of the file does not match the file contents.