Xgit v0.5.0 Xgit.Plumbing.SymbolicRef.Put View Source

Modify a symbolic ref in a repo.

Analogous to the two-argument form of git symbolic-ref.

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Reason codes that can be returned by run/2.


Creates or updates a symbolic ref to point at a specific branch.

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reason() :: :invalid_repository | Xgit.Repository.put_ref_reason()

Reason codes that can be returned by run/2.

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run(repository, name, new_target, opts \\ [])

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  repository :: Xgit.Repository.t(),
  name :: Xgit.Core.Ref.name(),
  new_target :: Xgit.Core.Ref.name(),
  opts :: Keyword.t()
) :: :ok | {:error, reason()}

Creates or updates a symbolic ref to point at a specific branch.


repository is the Xgit.Repository (PID) in which to create the symbolic reference.

name is the name of the symbolic reference to create or update. (See t/Xgit.Core.Ref.name.)

new_target is the name of the reference that should be targeted by this symbolic reference. This reference need not exist.


TO DO: Add option to specify ref log message. https://github.com/elixir-git/xgit/issues/251

Return Value

:ok if written successfully.

{:error, :invalid_repository} if repository doesn't represent a valid Xgit.Repository process.

Reason codes may also come from the following functions: