Xgit v0.8.0 Xgit.Object View Source

Describes a single object stored (or about to be stored) in a git repository.

This struct is constructed, modified, and shared as a working description of how to find and describe an object before it gets written to a repository.

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Error codes which can be returned by check/2.


This struct describes a single object stored or about to be stored in a git repository.


Verify that a proposed object is valid.

Return true if the struct describes a valid object.

Link to this section Types

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check_reason() ::
  | :no_tree_header
  | :invalid_tree
  | :invalid_parent
  | :no_author
  | :no_committer
  | :no_object_header
  | :invalid_object
  | :no_type_header
  | :invalid_tagger
  | :bad_date
  | :bad_email
  | :missing_email
  | :missing_space_before_date
  | :bad_time_zone
  | :invalid_file_mode
  | :truncated_in_name
  | :duplicate_entry_names
  | :incorrectly_sorted
  | :truncated_in_object_id
  | :null_sha1
  | :invalid_mode

Error codes which can be returned by check/2.

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t() :: %Xgit.Object{
  content: Xgit.ContentSource.t(),
  id: Xgit.ObjectId.t() | :unknown,
  size: non_neg_integer() | :unknown,
  type: Xgit.ObjectType.t()

This struct describes a single object stored or about to be stored in a git repository.

Struct Members

  • :type: the object's type (:blob, :tree, :commit, or :tag)
  • :content: how to obtain the content (see Xgit.ContentSource)
  • :size: size (in bytes) of the object or :unknown
  • :id: object ID (40 chars hex) of the object or :unknown

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check(object, opts \\ [])

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check(object :: t(), windows?: boolean(), macosx?: boolean()) ::
  | {:error, reason :: check_reason()}
  | {:error, reason :: Xgit.FilePath.check_path_reason()}
  | {:error, reason :: Xgit.FilePath.check_path_segment_reason()}

Verify that a proposed object is valid.

This function performs a detailed check on the content of the object. For a simpler verification that the Object struct is itself valid, see valid?/1.

Verifications made by this function only check that the fields of an object are formatted correctly. The object ID checksum of the object is not verified, and connectivity links between objects are also not verified. It's assumed that the caller can provide both of these validations on its own.


By default, this function will only enforce Posix file name restrictions.

  • :macosx?: true to also enforce Mac OS X path name restrictions
  • :windows?: true to also enforce Windows path name restrictions

Return Value

:ok if the object is successfully validated.

{:error, :invalid_type} if the object's type is unknown.

{:error, :no_tree_header} if the object is a commit but does not contain a valid tree header.

{:error, :invalid_tree} if the object is a commit but the tree object ID is invalid.

{:error, :invalid_parent} if the object is a commit but one of the parent headers is invalid.

{:error, :no_author} if the object is a commit but there is no author header.

{:error, :no_committer} if the object is a commit but there is no committer header.

{:error, :no_object_header} if the object is a tag but there is no object header.

{:error, :invalid_object} if the object is a tag but the object ID is invalid.

{:error, :no_type_header} if the object is a tag but there is no type header.

{:error, :invalid_tagger} if the object is a tag but one of the tagger headers is invalid.

{:error, :bad_date} if the object is a tag or a commit but has a malformed date entry.

{:error, :bad_email} if the object is a tag or a commit but has a malformed e-mail address.

{:error, :missing_email} if the object is a tag or a commit but has a missing e-mail address where one is expected.

{:error, :missing_space_before_date} if the object is a tag or a commit but has no space preceding the place where a date is expected.

{:error, :bad_time_zone} if the object is a tag or a commit but has a malformed time zone entry.

{:error, :invalid_file_mode} if the object is a tree but one of the file modes is invalid.

{:error, :truncated_in_name} if the object is a tree but one of the file names is incomplete.

{:error, :duplicate_entry_names} if the object is a tree and contains duplicate entry names.

{:error, :incorrectly_sorted} if the object is a tree and the entries are not in alphabetical order.

{:error, :truncated_in_object_id} if the object is a tree and one of the object IDs is invalid.

{:error, :null_sha1} if the object is a tree and one of the object IDs is all zeros.

{:error, :invalid_mode} if the object is a tree and one of the file modes is incomplete.

See also error responses from Xgit.FilePath.check_path/2 and Xgit.FilePath.check_path_segment/2.

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valid?(object :: any()) :: boolean()

Return true if the struct describes a valid object.

IMPORTANT: This validation only verifies that the struct itself is valid. It does not inspect the content of the object. That check can be performed by check/2.