Xlsxir v1.6.4 Xlsxir.StreamWorksheet View Source

Holds the special SAX event instructions for parsing and streaming worksheet data rows via Xlsxir.SaxParser.parse/2

Delegates other SAX event instructions to Xlsxir.ParseWorksheet

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sax_event_handler(sax_pattern, state, excel) View Source

Sax event utilized by Xlsxir.SaxParser.parse/2.

Takes a pattern and the current state of a struct and recursivly parses the worksheet XML file.

Blocks the process when a row is fully parsed, with cell references and their assocated values, then wait for a message from a parent process to callback and send the row data.


  • sax_pattern - the XML pattern of the event to match upon
  • state - the state of the %Xlsxir.StreamWorksheet{} struct which temporarily holds applicable data of the current row being parsed


Each row data sent consists of a list containing a cell reference string and the associated value (i.e. [["A1", "string one"], ...]).