View Source Xlsxplorer

Xlsxplorer. Load data from your .xlsx file into an Explorer.DataFrame.

Uses Xlsxir to parse data from an .xlsx file, which is loaded into an Explorer.DataFrame


The package can be installed by adding xlsxplorer to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:xlsxplorer, "~> 0.1.0"}

Documentation generated with ExDoc. The docs can be found at


Provides a single function from_xlsx/2 wich loads data from a .xlsx file into an Explorer.DataFrame

  • path is a string with the path to the .xlsx file
  • index is the sheet number to be read from the .xlsx file into the Explorer.DataFrame.


iex(1)> Xlsxplorer.from_xlsx("./test/data/example.xlsx", 0)
Polars[2 x 2]
number integer [1, 2]
string string ["hello", "world"]