Copyright © 2015-2017 Marc Worrell <>
Behaviours: gen_server.
Authors: Marc Worrell (
code_change/3 | Convert process state when code is changed. |
file_mtime/1 | Return the (universal) modification time of file, 0 on enoent. |
flush_site/1 | Invalidate all templates of a whole site. |
handle_call/3 | |
handle_cast/2 | |
handle_info/2 | |
init/1 | Initiates the server. |
insert_template/2 | Insert a template and its dependencies. |
is_template_modified/2 | Check if a template is marked as modified. |
modified/1 | Mark a file as modified. |
mtime/1 | Return the modification time of a file. |
simplify/1 | |
start_link/0 | |
start_link/1 | Starts the server. |
terminate/2 |
code_change(OldVsn, State, Extra) -> {ok, NewState}
Convert process state when code is changed
file_mtime(File::file:filename_all()) -> calendar:datetime() | 0
Return the (universal) modification time of file, 0 on enoent
flush_site(Site) -> any()
Invalidate all templates of a whole site
handle_call(Message, From, State) -> any()
handle_cast(Message, State) -> any()
handle_info(Info, State) -> any()
init(X1::list()) -> {ok, #state{is_scanner_enabled = boolean()}}
Initiates the server.
insert_template(Module, CompileTime) -> any()
Insert a template and its dependencies
is_template_modified(Module, Site) -> any()
Check if a template is marked as modified
modified(File::string() | binary()) -> ok
Mark a file as modified
mtime(File::file:filename_all()) -> {ok, calendar:datetime()} | {error, notfound}
Return the modification time of a file
simplify(Path) -> any()
start_link() -> {ok, pid()} | {error, term()}
start_link(IsScannerEnabled::boolean()) -> {ok, pid()} | {error, term()}
Starts the server. IsScannerEnabled is set if inotify, fswatch or the periodic directory scanner is enabled. If not then the cached mtimes are periodically flushed.
terminate(Reason, State) -> any()
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