Module z_media_rotate3d

Calculate the ImageMagick distortion parameters for a 3D rotation.

Copyright © 2021 Marc Worrell

Authors: Marc Worrell (


Calculate the ImageMagick distortion parameters for a 3D rotation.

Function Index

rotate3d/5Calculate the transformation matrix for the perspective.

Function Details


rotate3d(Width::non_neg_integer(), Height::non_neg_integer(), Roll::number(), Tilt::number(), Pan::number()) -> {ok, string()} | {error, term()}

Calculate the transformation matrix for the perspective. Translate the corner points of the image to the arguments for the ImageMagick distort function. This code has been derived from

Here we don't scale the image, the image is rotated from the center of the image, and we use a fixed viewing point that is compatible with the viewing point used in the mod_image_edit css3 transformations.

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