Copyright © 2016 Arjan Scherpenisse
Authors: Arjan Scherpenisse (
is_watching/1 | Returns whether the given site is being watched for sitetest runs. |
run/1 | Run all *_sitetest.erl tests for the given site. |
run/2 | Run the given _sitetest eunit modules for the given site. |
unwatch/1 | Stop the sitetests from being run when Erlang modules in the site are recompiled. |
watch/1 | Start watching the given site for .erl file changes. |
is_watching(Site) -> any()
Returns whether the given site is being watched for sitetest runs.
run(Site) -> any()
Run all *_sitetest.erl tests for the given site.
run(Site, Modules) -> any()
Run the given _sitetest eunit modules for the given site.
unwatch(Site) -> any()
Stop the sitetests from being run when Erlang modules in the site are recompiled.
watch(Site) -> any()
Start watching the given site for .erl file changes. As soon as any Erlang module inside the watched site is recompiled, all sitetests are run.
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