Copyright © 2009-2012 Marc Worrell Parts are from wf_utils.erl which is Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Rusty Klophaus
Authors: Marc Worrell.
are_equal/2 | Check if two arguments are equal, optionally converting them. |
assert/2 | Check if an assertion is ok or failed. |
checksum/2 | |
checksum_assert/3 | |
coalesce/1 | |
decode_value/2 | |
decode_value_expire/2 | |
depickle/2 | |
encode_value/2 | |
encode_value_expire/3 | |
ensure_existing_module/1 | Ensure that the given string matches an existing module. |
erase_process_dict/0 | Safe erase of process dict, keeps some 'magical' proc_lib vars. |
f/1 | |
f/2 | |
filter_dot_files/1 | Filter all filenames which start with a dot. |
flush_message/1 | Flush all incoming messages, used when receiving timer ticks to prevent multiple ticks. |
get_nth/2 | |
get_seconds/0 | Return the current universal time in seconds. |
get_value/2 | Get a value from a map or a proplist. |
get_value/3 | Get a value from a map or a proplist. |
group_by/3 | Group by a property or m_rsc property, keeps the input list in the same order. |
group_proplists/2 | Given a list of proplists, make it a nested list with respect to a property, combining elements with the same property. |
hex_decode/1 | |
hex_encode/1 | |
hmac/3 | |
index_proplist/2 | Make a property list based on the value of a property For example: [ [{a,b}], [{a,c}] ] gives [{a, [{a,b}]}, {c, [[{a,c}]]}]. |
is_empty/1 | Check if a value is 'empty'. |
is_iolist/1 | |
is_process_alive/1 | Multinode is_process_alive check. |
is_proplist/1 | |
is_true/1 | Check if the parameter could represent the logical value of "true". |
join_defined/2 | |
js_array/1 | |
js_escape/1 | |
js_escape/2 | Javascript escape, see also: |
js_object/1 | Create a javascript object from a proplist. |
js_object/2 | |
js_object/3 | |
lib_dir/0 | Return an abspath to a directory relative to the application root. |
lib_dir/1 | |
list_dir_recursive/1 | Return a list of all files in a directory, recursive depth first search for files not starting with a '.'. |
name_for_site/2 | Return the name used in the context of a hostname. |
nested_proplist/1 | Scan the props of a proplist, when the prop is a list with a $. |
nested_proplist/2 | |
now/0 | Return the current tick count. |
now_msec/0 | |
only_digits/1 | |
only_letters/1 | |
os_escape/1 | Simple escape function for command line arguments. |
os_filename/1 | Simple escape function for filenames as commandline arguments. |
pickle/2 | |
pipeline/2 | Apply a list of functions to a startlist of arguments. |
prefix/2 | |
prop_delete/2 | |
prop_replace/3 | Replace a property in a proplist. |
props_merge/2 | |
randomize/1 | Simple randomize of a list. |
ranges/1 | Convert a sorted list of integers to a list of range pairs {From,To}. |
replace1/3 | |
set_nth/3 | |
split/2 | Take max N elements from a list. |
split_in/2 | |
vsplit_in/2 | |
wildcard/1 | filename:wildcard version which filters dotfiles like unix does. |
wildcard/2 | |
wildcard_recursive/2 | |
write_terms/2 | Write a file that is readable by file:consult/1. |
are_equal(Arg1, Arg2) -> any()
Check if two arguments are equal, optionally converting them
assert(X1::bool(), Error::error) -> none()
Check if an assertion is ok or failed
checksum(Data, Context) -> any()
checksum_assert(Data, Checksum, Context) -> any()
coalesce(T) -> any()
decode_value(Data, Context) -> any()
decode_value_expire(Data, Context) -> any()
depickle(Data, Context) -> any()
encode_value(Value, Context) -> any()
encode_value_expire(Value, Date, Context) -> any()
ensure_existing_module(ModuleName) -> any()
Ensure that the given string matches an existing module. Used to prevent a denial of service attack where we exhaust the atom space.
erase_process_dict() -> any()
Safe erase of process dict, keeps some 'magical' proc_lib vars
f(S) -> any()
f(S, Args) -> any()
filter_dot_files(Names) -> any()
Filter all filenames which start with a dot.
flush_message(Msg) -> any()
Flush all incoming messages, used when receiving timer ticks to prevent multiple ticks.
get_nth(N, L) -> any()
get_seconds() -> any()
Return the current universal time in seconds
get_value(Key::term(), Map::map() | list()) -> term()
Get a value from a map or a proplist. Return 'undefined' if The value was not present.
get_value(Key::term(), Map::map() | list(), Default::term()) -> term()
Get a value from a map or a proplist. Return the default value if The value was not present.
group_by(L, Prop, Context) -> any()
Group by a property or m_rsc property, keeps the input list in the same order.
group_proplists(Prop::atom(), Rest::[{atom(), term()}]) -> [{term(), list()}]
Given a list of proplists, make it a nested list with respect to a property, combining elements with the same property. Assumes the list is sorted on the property you are splitting on For example: [[{a,b}{x}], [{a,b}{z}], [{a,c}{y}]] gives: [ {b, [[{a,b}{x}], [{a,b}{z}]]}, {c, [[{a,c}{y}]]} ]
hex_decode(Value) -> any()
hex_encode(Value) -> any()
hmac(Type, Key, Data) -> any()
index_proplist(Prop::term(), List::[{term(), term()}]) -> [{term(), term()}]
Make a property list based on the value of a property For example: [ [{a,b}], [{a,c}] ] gives [{a, [{a,b}]}, {c, [[{a,c}]]}]
is_empty(Trans) -> any()
Check if a value is 'empty'
is_iolist(C) -> any()
is_process_alive(Pid) -> any()
Multinode is_process_alive check
is_proplist(R) -> any()
is_true(T) -> any()
Check if the parameter could represent the logical value of "true"
join_defined(Sep, List) -> any()
js_array(L) -> any()
js_escape(V) -> any()
js_escape(Trans, OptContext) -> any()
Javascript escape, see also:
js_object(L) -> any()
Create a javascript object from a proplist
js_object(L, OptContext) -> any()
js_object(L, T, Context) -> any()
lib_dir() -> any()
Return an abspath to a directory relative to the application root.
lib_dir(Dir) -> any()
list_dir_recursive(Dir) -> any()
Return a list of all files in a directory, recursive depth first search for files not starting with a '.'
name_for_site(Name::atom(), Context::atom() | #context{}) -> atom()
Return the name used in the context of a hostname
nested_proplist(Props) -> any()
Scan the props of a proplist, when the prop is a list with a $. characters in it then split the prop.
nested_proplist(T, Acc) -> any()
now() -> any()
Return the current tick count
now_msec() -> any()
only_digits(L) -> any()
only_letters(T) -> any()
os_escape(S::string() | binary() | undefined) -> string()
Simple escape function for command line arguments
os_filename(F::string() | binary()) -> string()
Simple escape function for filenames as commandline arguments. foo/"bar.jpg -> "foo/\"bar.jpg"; on windows "foo\\\"bar.jpg" (both including quotes!)
pickle(Data, Context) -> any()
pipeline(Fs::[PipelineFun], As::list()) -> ok | {ok, term()} | {error, term()}
Apply a list of functions to a startlist of arguments. All functions must return: ok | {ok, term()} | {error, term()}. Execution stops if a function returns an error tuple. The return value of the last executed function is returned.
prefix(Sep, List) -> any()
prop_delete(Prop, List) -> any()
prop_replace(Prop, Value, List) -> any()
Replace a property in a proplist
props_merge(Ps, Xs) -> any()
randomize(List::list()) -> list()
Simple randomize of a list. Not good quality, but good enough for us
ranges(Ns::[integer()]) -> [{integer(), integer()}]
Convert a sorted list of integers to a list of range pairs {From,To}
replace1(F, T, L) -> any()
set_nth(N, V, L) -> any()
split(N::integer(), L::list()) -> {list(), list()}
Take max N elements from a list.
split_in(L, N) -> any()
vsplit_in(L, N) -> any()
wildcard(Wildcard) -> any()
filename:wildcard version which filters dotfiles like unix does
wildcard(Wildcard, DirName) -> any()
wildcard_recursive(WildCard, DirName) -> any()
write_terms(Filename::file:filename_all(), List::[term()]) -> ok | {error, term()}
Write a file that is readable by file:consult/1
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