Copyright © 2014-2017 Arjan Scherpenisse
Behaviours: gen_server.
Authors: Arjan Scherpenisse (
code_change/3 | |
file_changed/2 | Called when a file is changed on disk, buffers changes before sending a batch to the zotonic_filehandler. |
handle_call/3 | |
handle_cast/2 | |
handle_info/2 | |
init/1 | |
is_file_blocked/1 | |
is_file_blocked/2 | Called by zotonic_filewatcher_handler. |
re_exclude/0 | |
start_link/0 | |
terminate/2 |
code_change(Vsn, State, Extra) -> any()
file_changed(Verb::zotonic_filehandler:verb(), F::file:filename_all()) -> ok
Called when a file is changed on disk, buffers changes before sending a batch to the zotonic_filehandler.
handle_call(Msg, From, State) -> any()
handle_cast(Msg, State) -> any()
handle_info(Msg, State) -> any()
init(X1::term()) -> {ok, #state{events = map(), startline = undefined | pos_integer(), deadline = undefined | pos_integer(), is_changed = boolean()}}
is_file_blocked(F::binary() | string()) -> boolean()
is_file_blocked(Dir, File) -> any()
Called by zotonic_filewatcher_handler
re_exclude() -> string()
start_link() -> {ok, pid()} | {error, term()}
terminate(Reason, State) -> any()
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