Copyright © 2013-2018 Marc Worrell
Authors: Marc Worrell (
'mqtt:model/+/delete/#'/2 | Handle 'delete' request for a model. |
'mqtt:model/+/get/#'/2 | Handle 'get' request for a model. |
'mqtt:model/+/post/#'/2 | Handle 'post' request for a model. |
'mqtt:test/#'/2 | |
module_callback/3 | Call the module subscription function using the context of the publisher. |
observe_action_event_type/2 | Handle the {live ...} event type. |
observe_module_activate/2 |
'mqtt:model/+/delete/#'(Msg::mqtt_packet_map:mqtt_packet(), Context::z:context()) -> ok | {error, term()}
Handle 'delete' request for a model
'mqtt:model/+/get/#'(Msg::mqtt_packet_map:mqtt_packet(), Context::z:context()) -> ok | {error, term()}
Handle 'get' request for a model
'mqtt:model/+/post/#'(Msg::mqtt_packet_map:mqtt_packet(), Context::z:context()) -> ok | {error, term()}
Handle 'post' request for a model
'mqtt:test/#'(Msg::mqtt_packet_map:mqtt_packet(), Context::z:context()) -> ok
module_callback(Module::module(), Function::atom(), X3::map()) -> any()
Call the module subscription function using the context of the publisher
observe_action_event_type(Action_event_type, Context) -> any()
Handle the {live ...} event type.
observe_module_activate(Module_activate, Context) -> any()
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