Module mod_video_embed

Enables embedding video's as media pages.

Copyright © 2009-2017 Marc Worrell

Authors: Marc Worrell (


Enables embedding video's as media pages. Handles the embed information for showing video's. The embed information is stored in the medium table associated with the page. You can not have embed information and a medium file. Either one or the other.

Function Index

event/2Handle the form submit from the "new media" dialog.
observe_media_import/2Recognize youtube and vimeo URLs, generate the correct embed code.
observe_media_stillimage/2Return the filename of a still image to be used for image tags.
observe_media_viewer/2Return the media viewer for the embedded video (that is, when it is an embedded media).
observe_rsc_update/3Check if the update contains video embed information.

Function Details


event(Submit::Event, Context::Context1) -> Context2

Handle the form submit from the "new media" dialog. The form is defined in templates/_media_upload_panel.tpl.


observe_media_import(Media_import, Context) -> any()

Recognize youtube and vimeo URLs, generate the correct embed code


observe_media_stillimage(Media_stillimage::Notification, Context::_Context) -> undefined | {ok, Filename}

Return the filename of a still image to be used for image tags.


observe_media_viewer(Media_viewer::Notification, Context) -> undefined | {ok, Html}

Return the media viewer for the embedded video (that is, when it is an embedded media).


observe_rsc_update(Rsc_update::#rsc_update{}, Error::{ok, m_rsc:props()} | {error, term()}, Context::z:context()) -> {ok, m_rsc:props()} | {error, term()}

Check if the update contains video embed information. If so then update the attached medium item.


spawn_preview_create(MediaId, InsertProps, Context) -> any()


test() -> any()

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