Module z_ip_address

Misc utility URL functions for zotonic.

Copyright © 2012-2019 Marc Worrell

Authors: Marc Worrell.


Misc utility URL functions for zotonic

Function Index

ip_match/2Check if an IP address matches a list of addresses and masks like ",,fe80::/10".
is_local/1An IP address is local if it matches ",,,,,::1,fd00::/8,fe80::/10,".

Function Details


ip_match(IP::undefined | string() | binary() | tuple(), IPs::local | any | none | list() | string() | binary()) -> boolean()

Check if an IP address matches a list of addresses and masks like ",,fe80::/10"


is_local(X1) -> any()

An IP address is local if it matches ",,,,,::1,fd00::/8,fe80::/10,"

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