View Source CookieJar.Cookie (cookie_jar v1.1.0)

Model individual Cookie as specified by the MDN doc Some of the functionalities are irrelevant so only the following attributes are kept: domain, include_subdomain, path, secure, expires, name and value



Return true if cookie2 is superseding cookie1. Only compare domain, path and name.

Return true if the cookie shall be sent to the uri

simple constructor

parse a cookie from the Set-Cookie: value. return nil if no valid cookie found

parse a cookie from the Set-Cookie: value. return nil if no valid cookie found taking additional infomatio ffrom the requesting URI

return name=value as string


@type t() :: %CookieJar.Cookie{
  domain: String.t(),
  expires: integer(),
  include_subdomain: boolean(),
  name: String.t(),
  path: String.t(),
  secure: boolean(),
  value: String.t()


Link to this function

equal?(cookie1, cookie2)

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@spec equal?(t(), t()) :: boolean()

Return true if cookie2 is superseding cookie1. Only compare domain, path and name.

@spec matched?(t(), URI.t()) :: boolean()

Return true if the cookie shall be sent to the uri

@spec new(String.t(), String.t()) :: t()

simple constructor

@spec parse(String.t()) :: nil | t()

parse a cookie from the Set-Cookie: value. return nil if no valid cookie found

@spec parse(String.t(), nil | URI.t()) :: nil | t()

parse a cookie from the Set-Cookie: value. return nil if no valid cookie found taking additional infomatio ffrom the requesting URI

@spec to_string(t()) :: String.t()

return name=value as string