View Source Holidefs (holidefs v0.4.0)

Holidefs is a holiday OTP application for multiple locales that loads the dates from definition files on the startup.

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Returns all the holidays for the given locale between start and finish dates.

Returns the language to translate the holiday names to.

Returns the list of regions from the given locale.

Returns a map of all the supported locales.

Returns all the holidays for the given locale on the given date.

Sets the language to translate the holiday names to.

Returns all the holidays for the given year.

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error_reasons() :: :no_def | :invalid_date


locale_code() :: atom() | binary()

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between(locale, start, finish, opts \\ [])

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between(locale_code(), Date.t(), Date.t(), Holidefs.Options.attrs()) ::
  {:ok, [Holidefs.Holiday.t()]} | {:error, error_reasons()}

Returns all the holidays for the given locale between start and finish dates.

If succeed returns a {:ok, holidays} tuple, otherwise returns a {:error, reason} tuple


get_language() :: String.t()

Returns the language to translate the holiday names to.


get_regions(locale_code()) :: {:ok, [String.t()]} | {:error, error_reasons()}

Returns the list of regions from the given locale.

If succeed returns a {:ok, regions} tuple, otherwise returns a {:error, reason} tuple.


locales() :: map()

Returns a map of all the supported locales.

The key is the code and the value the name of the locale.

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on(locale, date, opts \\ [])

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Returns all the holidays for the given locale on the given date.

If succeed returns a {:ok, holidays} tuple, otherwise returns a {:error, reason} tuple.


set_language(atom() | String.t()) :: nil

Sets the language to translate the holiday names to.

To use the native language names, you can set the language to :orig

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year(locale, year, opts \\ [])

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year(locale_code(), integer(), Holidefs.Options.attrs()) ::
  {:ok, [Holidefs.Holiday.t()]} | {:error, error_reasons()}

Returns all the holidays for the given year.

If succeed returns a {:ok, holidays} tuple, otherwise returns a {:error, reason} tuple