
The Time module provides a struct to represent a simple time without specifying a date, nor a time zone.


from_erl(arg1, usec \\ nil)

Create a Time struct using an erlang style tuple and optionally a fractional second


Takes a Time struct and returns an erlang style time tuple


from_erl(arg1, usec \\ nil)

Create a Time struct using an erlang style tuple and optionally a fractional second.

iex> from_erl({20,14,15})
{:ok, %Kalends.Time{usec: nil, hour: 20, min: 14, sec: 15}}

iex> from_erl({20,14,15}, 123456)
{:ok, %Kalends.Time{usec: 123456, hour: 20, min: 14, sec: 15}}

iex> from_erl({24,14,15})
{:error, :invalid_time}

iex> from_erl({-1,0,0})
{:error, :invalid_time}

iex> from_erl({20,14,15}, 1_000_000)
{:error, :invalid_time}

Takes a Time struct and returns an erlang style time tuple.