

pub fn bool(
  cmd: Command,
  long: String,
  description: String,
  continue: fn(
    fn(Command, fn(Bool) -> Result(a, CommandReturn(b))) ->
      Result(a, CommandReturn(b)),
  ) -> c,
) -> c

Add a named bool option to the command before continuing.

pub fn bool_(
  cmd: Command,
  long: String,
  short: Option(String),
  description: String,
  continue: fn(
    fn(Command, fn(Bool) -> Result(a, CommandReturn(b))) ->
      Result(a, CommandReturn(b)),
  ) -> c,
) -> c

Add a bool option with a short name to the command before continuing.

pub fn float(
  cmd: Command,
  long: String,
  description: String,
  default: Float,
  continue: fn(
    fn(Command, fn(a) -> Result(b, CommandReturn(c))) ->
      Result(b, CommandReturn(c)),
  ) -> d,
) -> d

Add a named float option to the command before continuing.

pub fn float_(
  cmd: Command,
  long: String,
  short: Option(String),
  description: String,
  default: Float,
  continue: fn(
    fn(Command, fn(a) -> Result(b, CommandReturn(c))) ->
      Result(b, CommandReturn(c)),
  ) -> d,
) -> d

Add a float option with a short name to the command before continuing.

pub fn int(
  cmd: Command,
  long: String,
  description: String,
  default: Int,
  continue: fn(
    fn(Command, fn(a) -> Result(b, CommandReturn(c))) ->
      Result(b, CommandReturn(c)),
  ) -> d,
) -> d

Add a named int option to the command before continuing.

pub fn int_(
  cmd: Command,
  long: String,
  short: Option(String),
  description: String,
  default: Int,
  continue: fn(
    fn(Command, fn(a) -> Result(b, CommandReturn(c))) ->
      Result(b, CommandReturn(c)),
  ) -> d,
) -> d

Add an int option with a short name to the command before continuing.

pub fn named_opt_parser(
  long: String,
  short: Option(String),
  parser: fn(String) -> Result(a, Nil),
  default: a,
) -> fn(List(String)) -> Result(a, Reason)
pub fn string(
  cmd: Command,
  long: String,
  description: String,
  default: String,
  continue: fn(
    fn(Command, fn(a) -> Result(b, CommandReturn(c))) ->
      Result(b, CommandReturn(c)),
  ) -> d,
) -> d

Add a named string option to the command before continuing.

pub fn string_(
  cmd: Command,
  long: String,
  short: Option(String),
  description: String,
  default: String,
  continue: fn(
    fn(Command, fn(a) -> Result(b, CommandReturn(c))) ->
      Result(b, CommandReturn(c)),
  ) -> d,
) -> d

Add a string option with a short name to the command before continuing.

pub fn with_named_option(
  cmd: Command,
  opt: Opt,
  default: a,
  parse: fn(String) -> Result(a, Nil),
  continue: fn(
    fn(Command, fn(a) -> Result(b, CommandReturn(c))) ->
      Result(b, CommandReturn(c)),
  ) -> d,
) -> d

Add a named option to the command. Bring your own parser.

The continuation function gets a parser for the option and the command with the option added, for further configuration.

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