
The builder contains convenience functions to interface with the different parts of scriptorium, using the configuration to control what is done.


Something failed when building the blog.

pub type BuildError {
  ParseError(err: config.ParseError)
  WriteError(err: config.WriteError)


  • ParseError(err: config.ParseError)
  • WriteError(err: config.WriteError)


pub fn compile(
  db: Database,
  config: Configuration,
) -> CompileDatabase

Compile the post and page content into HTML strings.

pub fn parse(
  config: Configuration,
) -> Result(Database, BuildError)

Parse the blog’s input files.

pub fn render(
  db: Database,
  compiled: CompileDatabase,
  config: Configuration,
) -> RenderDatabase

Render the content into HTML pages.

pub fn write(
  posts: RenderDatabase,
  config: Configuration,
) -> Result(Nil, BuildError)

Write the render database into files.

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