View Source Tarearbol.Crontab (tarearbol v1.11.2)

Helper functions to work with cron syntax.




Internal representation of the record in cron file


Produces the single formula out of cron record. Might be useful for some external check that requires the single validation call.

Returns the next DateTime the respective cron record points to with a precision given as the third argument (default: :second.)

Returns the list of all the events after dt (default: DateTime.utc_now/0.)

Returns the stream of all the events after dt (default: DateTime.utc_now/0.)

Parses the cron string into human-readable representation.

Parses the cron string into Tarearbol.Crontab.t() struct.

Converts the Time instance into daily-execution cron string


@type t() :: %Tarearbol.Crontab{
  day: term(),
  day_of_week: term(),
  hour: term(),
  minute: term(),
  month: term()

Internal representation of the record in cron file


@spec formula(ct :: binary() | t()) :: :error | binary()

Produces the single formula out of cron record. Might be useful for some external check that requires the single validation call.


iex> formula = Tarearbol.Crontab.formula("42 3 28 08 *").formula
...> formula |> String.split(" && ") |> Enum.sort()
["(day == 28)", "(hour == 3)", "(minute == 42)", "(month == 8)", "(rem(day_of_week, 1) == 0)"]

iex> Tarearbol.Crontab.formula("423 * * * *")
{:error, [minute: {:could_not_parse_field, ["423"]}]}
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next(dt \\ nil, input, opts \\ [])

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@spec next(dt :: nil | DateTime.t(), input :: binary(), opts :: keyword()) ::

Returns the next DateTime the respective cron record points to with a precision given as the third argument (default: :second.)

If the first parameter is not given, it assumes the next after now.


iex> dt = DateTime.from_unix!(1567091960)
~U[2019-08-29 15:19:20Z]
iex>, "42 3 28 08 *")
  origin: ~U[2019-08-29 15:19:20Z],
  next: ~U[2020-08-28 03:42:00Z],
  second: 31494160

where origin contains the timestamp to lookup the next for, next is the DateTime instance of the next event and second is the {precision, difference_in_that_precision}.

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next_as_list(dt \\ nil, input, opts \\ [])

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@spec next_as_list(dt :: nil | DateTime.t(), input :: binary(), opts :: keyword()) ::

Returns the list of all the events after dt (default: DateTime.utc_now/0.)

This function calculates the outcome greedily and, while it might be slightly faster than Tarearbol.Crontab.next_as_stream/3, it should not be used for frequently recurring cron records (like "* * * * *".)

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next_as_stream(dt \\ nil, input, opts \\ [])

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@spec next_as_stream(dt :: nil | DateTime.t(), input :: binary(), opts :: keyword()) ::

Returns the stream of all the events after dt (default: DateTime.utc_now/0.)

This function calculates the outcome lazily, returning a stream.

See Tarearbol.Crontab.next_as_list/3 for greedy evaluation.

@spec parse(input :: binary()) :: t()

Parses the cron string into human-readable representation.

This function is exported for debugging purposes only, normally one would call prepare/1 instead.

Input format: "minute hour day/month month day/week".


iex> Tarearbol.Crontab.parse "10-30/5 */4 1 */1 6,7"
  day: "(day == 1)",
  day_of_week: "(day_of_week == 6 || day_of_week == 7)",
  hour: "(rem(hour, 4) == 0)",
  minute: "(rem(minute, 5) == 0 && minute >= 10 && minute <= 30)",
  month: "(rem(month, 1) == 0)"

In case of malformed input:

iex> Tarearbol.Crontab.parse "10-30/5 */4 1 */1 6d,7"
  day: "(day == 1)",
  day_of_week: {:error, {:could_not_parse_integer, "6d"}},
  hour: "(rem(hour, 4) == 0)",
  minute: "(rem(minute, 5) == 0 && minute >= 10 && minute <= 30)",
  month: "(rem(month, 1) == 0)"
@spec prepare(input :: binary() | t()) :: t()

Parses the cron string into Tarearbol.Crontab.t() struct.

Input format: "minute hour day/month month day/week".

@spec to_cron(dt :: Time.t()) :: binary()

Converts the Time instance into daily-execution cron string