View Source TypedStruct.Plugin behaviour (TypedStruct v0.5.2)

This module defines the plugin interface for TypedStruct.


Sometimes you may want to define helpers on your structs, for all their fields or for the struct as a whole. This plugin interface lets you integrate your own needs with TypedStruct.

Plugin definition

A TypedStruct plugin is a module that implements TypedStruct.Plugin. Three callbacks are available to you for injecting code at different steps:

use-ing this module will inject default implementations of all three, so you only have to implement those you care about.


As an example, let’s define a plugin that allows users to add an optional description to their structs and fields. This plugin also takes an upcase option. If set to true, all the descriptions are then upcased. It would be used this way:

defmodule MyStruct do
  use TypedStruct

  typedstruct do
    # We import the plugin with the upcase option set to `true`.
    plugin DescribedStruct, upcase: true

    # We can now set a description for the struct.
    description "My struct"

    # We can also set a description on a field.
    field :a_field, String.t(), description: "A field"
    field :second_field, boolean()

Once compiled, we would optain:

iex> MyStruct.struct_description()
iex> MyStruct.field_description(:a_field)

Follows the plugin definition:

defmodule DescribedStruct do
  use TypedStruct.Plugin

  # The init macro lets you inject code where the plugin macro is called.
  # You can think a bit of it like a `use` but for the scope of the
  # typedstruct block.
  @impl true
  @spec init(keyword()) :: Macro.t()
  defmacro init(opts) do
    quote do
      # Let’s import our custom `description` macro defined below so our
      # users can use it when defining their structs.
      import TypedStructDemoPlugin, only: [description: 1]

      # Let’s also store the upcase option in an attribute so we can
      # access it from the code injected by our `description/1` macro.
      @upcase unquote(opts)[:upcase]

  # This is a public macro our users can call in their typedstruct blocks.
  @spec description(String.t()) :: Macro.t()
  defmacro description(description) do
    quote do
      # Here we simply evaluate the result of __description__/2. We need
      # this indirection to be able to use @upcase after is has been
      # evaluated, but still in the code generation process. This way, we
      # can upcase the strings *at build time* if needed. It’s just a tiny
      # refinement :-)
        TypedStructDemoPlugin.__description__(__MODULE__, unquote(description))

  @spec __description__(module(), String.t()) :: Macro.t()
  def __description__(module, description) do
    # Maybe upcase the description at build time.
    description =
      |> Module.get_attribute(:upcase)
      |> maybe_upcase(description)

    quote do
      # Let’s just generate a constant function that returns the
      # description.
      def struct_description, do: unquote(description)

  # The field callback is called for each field defined in the typedstruct
  # block. You get exactly what the user has passed to the field macro,
  # plus options from every plugin init. The `env` variable contains the
  # environment as it stood at the moment of the corresponding
  # `TypedStruct.field/3` call.
  @impl true
  @spec field(atom(), any(), keyword(), Macro.Env.t()) :: Macro.t()
  def field(name, _type, opts, _env) do
    # Same as for the struct description, we want to upcase at build time
    # if necessary. As we do not have access to the module here, we cannot
    # access @upcase. This is not an issue since the option is
    # automatically added to `opts`, in addition to the options passed to
    # the field macro.
    description = maybe_upcase(opts[:upcase], opts[:description] || "")

    quote do
      # We define a clause matching the field name returning its optional
      # description.
      def field_description(unquote(name)), do: unquote(description)

  defp maybe_upcase(true, description), do: String.upcase(description)
  defp maybe_upcase(_, description), do: description

  # The after_definition callback is called after the struct and its type
  # have been defined, at the end of the `typedstruct` block.
  @impl true
  @spec after_definition(opts :: keyword()) :: Macro.t()
  def after_definition(_opts) do
    quote do
      # Here we just clean the @upcase attribute so that it does not
      # pollute our user’s modules.
      Module.delete_attribute(__MODULE__, :upcase)



Injects code after the struct and its type have been defined.

Injects code after each field definition.

Injects code where TypedStruct.plugin/2 is called.


@callback after_definition(opts :: keyword()) :: Macro.t()

Injects code after the struct and its type have been defined.

Link to this callback

field(name, type, opts)

View Source (optional)
This callback is deprecated. Use TypedStruct.Plugin.field/4 instead.
@callback field(name :: atom(), type :: any(), opts :: keyword()) :: Macro.t()
Link to this callback

field(name, type, opts, env)

View Source (optional)
@callback field(
  name :: atom(),
  type :: any(),
  opts :: keyword(),
  env :: Macro.Env.t()
) :: Macro.t()

Injects code after each field definition.

name and type are the exact values passed to the TypedStruct.field/3 macro in the typedstruct block. opts is the concatenation of the options passed to the field macro and those from the plugin init. env is the environment at the time of each field definition.

@macrocallback init(opts :: keyword()) :: Macro.t()

Injects code where TypedStruct.plugin/2 is called.