View Source WebAuthnLiveComponent.PasskeyComponent (WebAuthnLiveComponent v0.2.2)

LiveComponent for interacting with Passkeys.


This component should be considered in alpha status, with changes to the API, bugs, and incomplete documentation to be expected.

It is not advisable to use this component in a production environment at this time.



"Passkey" is an end-user-friendly moniker for the WebAuthentication API, aka WebAuthn, where credentials may be used across devices through a cloud synchronization mechanism. Support for Passkeys requires integration with a user's operating system, browser, and device. It also requires Javascript to be enabled in the browser since WebAuthn is a browser API, where credential creation and verification is performed.

Cloud synchronization is currently handled by the user's operating system - Keychain for MacOS users and Google Password Manager for Android users. Third party services such as 1Password have also announced plans for Passkey support in upcoming releases.



  • Registration: The process of creating a new credential to be used for a new account in your application.
  • Authentication: The process of using an existing credential to access an existing account in your application.


A New Paradigm

With Passkeys, it may be challenging (pardon the pun) to understand how registration and authentication are performed. The model differs from traditional username + password authentication in significant ways.

This implementation of Passkeys takes advantage of userless or loginless authentication, where the user need not provide a username, email, password, or other data required for traditional registration. Instead, a UUID is provided to to the WebAuthn API along with other challenge data.



The registration and authentications processes are handled by this LiveComponent, which includes both a Register and Authenticate button.



Throughout the registration and authentication process, some messages must be passed to the parent LiveView. In the parent LiveView, use handle_info/2 to accept the following messages:

  • {:passkeys_supported, boolean}: If false, an error should be displayed to the user.
  • {:token_exists, token: token}: Reports an existing session token. The parent application may decide whether to redirect to another view, clear the token, or render an error.
  • {:token_stored, token: token}: Reports a token was successfully stored in the user's browser. The user should be redirected to another view at this point. For new users, it is recommended to proceed with profile setup since email and other details are not collected during registration.
  • {:token_cleared}: Reports that a token was successfully cleared. A message may be displayed to the user if it makes sense to do so.
  • {:registration_failure, message: message}: Reports an error which should be displayed to the user. The parent application may display human-friendly verbiage instead, logging the error for internal debugging.
  • {:find_credentials, user_handle: user_handle}: Reports a user_handle is requesting authentication. The parent application must return a matching user, if one exists, in order to proceed with authentication.
  • {:authentication_successful, key_id: raw_id, auth_data: auth_data}: Reports the user was successfully authenticated by the WebAuthn API. The parent LiveView should create a new session token and pass it back to the component for persistence in the user's browser.
  • {:authentication_failure, message: message}: Reports the provided user could not be authenticated, with a message that may be displayed or paraphrased for the user.
  • {:error, payload}: Reports an error to the parent LiveView to be displayed or paraphrased for the user.

Errors are reported and should typically be rendered to the user via flash messages and/or logged in the application's error tracking system for analysis. The component passes these messages to the LiveView to allow complete control over visibility, appearance, and wording of errors.



TODO: Document token expectations and best practices.

Link to this section Summary


Mounts the component with default assigns.

Callback implementation for Phoenix.LiveComponent.render/1.

Stores or clears a session token.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

handle_event(binary, boolean, socket)

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Callback implementation for Phoenix.LiveComponent.handle_event/3.

Link to this function


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Mounts the component with default assigns.


Configurable Assigns

The following assigns may be passed to the component from your LiveView:

  • @app: Required - The name of you application. May be a string or atom.
  • @button_class: Styles for buttons in the component.
  • @div_class: Styles for the <div> container for the buttons.
  • @support_error_class: Styles for the <aside> displayed when Passkeys are not supported.
  • @timeout: Milliseconds until registration and authentication prompts expire. This value is passed to the WebAuthn API.


Internal Assigns

Other assigns are set internally, but listed here for transparency:

  • @passkeys_supported: A boolean set to true when the Passkey LiveView hook detects WebAuthn support. Otherwise, it is set to false. The initial value is nil.

Callback implementation for Phoenix.LiveComponent.render/1.

Stores or clears a session token.

When a :token assign is received, this function will either clear or store the user's token.

  • Assign token: :clear to remove a user's token.
  • Assign a binary token (typically a base64-encoded crypto hash) to persist a user's token to the browser's sessionStorage.
  • Invalid token assigns will be logged and the socket will be returned unchanged.