mix absinthe.schema.json (absinthe v1.6.4) View Source

Generate a schema.json file


mix absinthe.schema.json [OPTIONS] [FILENAME]

The JSON codec to be used needs to be included in your mix.exs dependencies. If using the default codec, see the Jason installation instructions.


  • --schema - The name of the Absinthe.Schema module defining the schema to be generated. Default: As configured for :absinthe :schema
  • --json-codec - Codec to use to generate the JSON file (see Custom Codecs). Default: Jason
  • --pretty - Whether to pretty-print. Default: false


Write to default path ./schema.json using the :schema configured for the :absinthe application:

mix absinthe.schema.json

Write to default path ./schema.json using the MySchema schema:

mix absinthe.schema.json --schema MySchema

Write to path /path/to/schema.json using the MySchema schema, with pretty-printing:

mix absinthe.schema.json --schema MySchema --pretty /path/to/schema.json

Write to default path ./schema.json using the MySchema schema and a custom JSON codec, MyCodec:

mix absinthe.schema.json --schema MySchema --json-codec MyCodec

Custom Codecs

Any module that provides encode!/2 can be used as a custom codec:

encode!(value, options)
  • value will be provided as a Map containing the generated schema.
  • options will be a keyword list with a :pretty boolean, indicating whether the user requested pretty-printing.

The function should return a string to be written to the output file.

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Callback implementation for Mix.Task.run/1, which receives a list of command-line args.

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run(argv :: [binary()]) :: any()

Callback implementation for Mix.Task.run/1, which receives a list of command-line args.