View Source Absinthe.Subscription (absinthe v1.7.8)

Real time updates via GraphQL

For a how to guide on getting started with Absinthe.Subscriptions in your phoenix project see the Absinthe.Phoenix package.

Define in your schema via Absinthe.Schema.subscription/2

Basic Usage

Performance Characteristics

There are a couple of limitations to the beta release of subscriptions that are worth keeping in mind if you want to use this in production:

By design, all subscription docs triggered by a mutation are run inside the mutation process as a form of back pressure.

At the moment however database batching does not happen across the set of subscription docs. Thus if you have a lot of subscription docs and they each do a lot of extra DB lookups you're going to delay incoming mutation responses by however long it takes to do all that work.

Before the final version of 1.4.0 we want

  • Batching across subscriptions
  • More user control over back pressure / async balance.



Build a child specification for subscriptions.

Add Absinthe.Subscription to your process tree.


@type opt() ::
  {:pubsub, atom()}
  | {:compress_registry?, boolean()}
  | {:pool_size, pos_integer()}
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@type subscription_field_spec() :: {atom(), term() | (term() -> term())}


@spec child_spec(atom() | [opt()]) :: Supervisor.child_spec()

Build a child specification for subscriptions.

In order to use subscriptions in your application, you must add Absinthe.Subscription to your supervision tree after your endpoint.

See guides/ for more information on how to get up and running with subscriptions.


  • :pubsub - (Required) The Phoenix.Pubsub that should be used to publish subscriptions. Typically this will be your Phoenix.Endpoint.
  • :compress_registry? - (Optional - default true) A boolean controlling whether the Registry used to keep track of subscriptions will should be compressed or not.
  • :pool_size - (Optional - default System.schedulers() * 2) An integer specifying the number of Absinthe.Subscription.Proxy processes to start.
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publish(pubsub, mutation_result, info)

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Publish a mutation

This function is generally used when trying to publish to one or more subscription fields "out of band" from any particular mutation.


Note: As with all subscription examples if you're using Absinthe.Phoenix pubsub will be MyAppWeb.Endpoint.

Absinthe.Subscription.publish(pubsub, user, [new_users: user.account_id])
# publish to two subscription fields
Absinthe.Subscription.publish(pubsub, user, [
  new_users: user.account_id,
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@spec start_link(atom() | [opt()]) :: Supervisor.on_start()

Add Absinthe.Subscription to your process tree.