Absinthe.Plug.DocumentProvider.Compiled (absinthe_plug v1.5.8) View Source

Provide pre-compiled documents for retrieval by request parameter key.

Important: This module shouldn't be used as a document provider itself, but as a toolkit to build one. See the examples below.


Define a new module and use Absinthe.Plug.DocumentProvider.Compiled:

defmodule MyAppWeb.Schema.Documents do
  use Absinthe.Plug.DocumentProvider.Compiled

  # ... Configure here


You can provide documents as literals within the module, by key, using the provide/2 macro:

provide "item", "query Item($id: ID!) { item(id: $id) { name } }"

You can also load a map of key value pairs using provide/1.

provide %{
  "item" => "query Item($id: ID!) { item(id: $id) { name } }",
  "time" => "{ currentTime }"

This can be used to support loading documents extracted using Apollo's persistgraphql tool by parsing the file and inverting the key/value pairs.

provide File.read!("/path/to/extracted_queries.json")
|> Jason.decode!
|> Map.new(fn {k, v} -> {v, k} end)

By default, the request parameter that will be used to lookup documents is "id". You can change this by passing a :key_param option to use, e.g.:

use Absinthe.Plug.DocumentProvider.Compiled, key_param: "lookup_key"


You need to configure Absinthe.Plug to use any document providers that you create. (Only Absinthe.Plug.DocumentProviders.Default is configured by default.)

Make sure that a Compiled document provider is placed before the Default provider.

See the documentation on Absinthe.Plug.init/1 for more details. Look for the :document_providers option.

Link to this section Summary


Lookup a document by id.

Provide multiple GraphQL documents by key.

Provide a GraphQL document for a given key.

Link to this section Functions

Link to this function

get(dp, id, format \\ :compiled)

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get(module(), String.t(), :compiled | :source) :: nil | Absinthe.Blueprint.t()

Lookup a document by id.


Get a compiled document:

iex> get(CompiledProvider, "provided")

With an explicit :compiled flag:

iex> get(CompiledProvider, "provided", :compiled)

Get the source:

iex> get(CompiledProvider, "provided", :source)
"query Item { item { name } }"

When a value isn't present:

iex> get(CompiledProvider, "not-provided")
Link to this macro


View Source (macro)


provide(%{required(any()) => String.t()}) :: Macro.t()

Provide multiple GraphQL documents by key.

Note that keys will be coerced to strings to ensure compatibility with the expected request parameter.

For more information, see the module-level documentation.


provide %{
  "item" => "query Item($id: ID!) { item(id: $id) { name } }",
  "time" => "{ currentTime }"
Link to this macro

provide(document_key, document_source)

View Source (macro)


provide(any(), String.t()) :: Macro.t()

Provide a GraphQL document for a given key.

Note that the key will be coerced to a string to ensure compatibility with the expected request parameter.

For more information, see the module-level documentation.


provide "foo", """
  query ShowItem($id: ID!) {
    item(id: $id) { name }