Absinthe.Plug (absinthe_plug v1.5.8) View Source
A plug for using Absinthe (GraphQL).
In your router:
plug Plug.Parsers,
parsers: [:urlencoded, :multipart, :json, Absinthe.Plug.Parser],
pass: ["*/*"],
json_decoder: Jason
plug Absinthe.Plug,
schema: MyAppWeb.Schema
If you want only Absinthe.Plug
to serve a particular route, configure your
router like:
plug Plug.Parsers,
parsers: [:urlencoded, :multipart, :json, Absinthe.Plug.Parser],
pass: ["*/*"],
json_decoder: Jason
forward "/api",
to: Absinthe.Plug,
init_opts: [schema: MyAppWeb.Schema]
See the documentation on Absinthe.Plug.init/1
and the Absinthe.Plug.opts
type for information on the available options.
To add support for a GraphiQL interface, add a configuration for
forward "/graphiql",
to: Absinthe.Plug.GraphiQL,
init_opts: [schema: MyAppWeb.Schema]
For more information, see the API documentation for Absinthe.Plug
If you are using Phoenix.Router, forward
expects different arguments:
forward "/graphiql",
to: Absinthe.Plug.GraphiQL,
init_opts: [
schema: MyAppWeb.Schema,
interface: :simple
forward "/graphiql",
schema: MyAppWeb.Schema,
interface: :simple
For more information see Phoenix.Router.forward/4.
Before Send
If you need to set a value (like a cookie) on the connection after resolution
but before values are sent to the client, use the :before_send
plug Absinthe.Plug,
schema: MyApp.Schema,
before_send: {__MODULE__, :absinthe_before_send}
def absinthe_before_send(conn, %Absinthe.Blueprint{} = blueprint) do
if auth_token = blueprint.execution.context[:auth_token] do
put_session(conn, :auth_token, auth_token)
def absinthe_before_send(conn, _) do
The auth_token
can be placed in the context by using middleware after your
mutation resolve:
# mutation resolver
resolve fn args, _ ->
case authenticate(args) do
{:ok, token} -> {:ok, %{token: token}}
error -> error
# middleware afterward
middleware fn resolution, _ ->
with %{value: %{token: token}} <- resolution do
Map.update!(resolution, :context, fn ctx ->
Map.put(ctx, :auth_token, token)
Included GraphQL Types
This package includes additional types for use in Absinthe GraphQL schema and type modules.
See the documentation on Absinthe.Plug.Types
for more information.
More Information
For more on configuring Absinthe.Plug
and how GraphQL requests are made,
see the guide at
Link to this section Summary
-- (Optional) Absinthe adapter to use (default:Absinthe.Adapter.LanguageConventions
-- (Optional) Initial value for the Absinthe context, available to resolvers. (default:%{}
-- (Optional) Message to return to the client if no query is provided (default: "No query document supplied").:json_codec
-- (Optional) Amodule
or{module, Keyword.t}
dictating which JSON codec should be used (default:Jason
). The codec module should implementencode!/2
(e.g.,module.encode!(body, opts)
-- (Optional){module, atom}
reference to a 2-arity function that will be called to generate the processing pipeline. (default:{Absinthe.Plug, :default_pipeline}
-- (Optional) A{module, atom}
reference to a 1-arity function that will be called to determine the document providers that will be used to process the request. (default:{Absinthe.Plug, :default_document_providers}
, which configuresAbsinthe.Plug.DocumentProvider.Default
as the lone document provider). A simple list of document providers can also be given. SeeAbsinthe.Plug.DocumentProvider
for more information about document providers, their role in procesing requests, and how you can define and configure your own.:schema
-- (Required, if not handled by Mix.Config) The Absinthe schema to use. If a module name is not provided,Application.get_env(:absinthe, :schema)
will be attempt to find one.:serializer
-- (Optional) Similar to:json_codec
but allows the use of serialization formats other than JSON, like MessagePack or Erlang Term Format. Defaults to whatever is set in:json_codec
-- (Optional) The content type of the response. Should probably be set if:serializer
option is used. Defaults to"application/json"
-- (Optional) Set a value(s) on the connection after resolution but before values are sent to the client.:log_level
-- (Optional) Set the logger level for Absinthe Logger. Defaults to:debug
-- (Optional) Pub Sub module for Subscriptions.:analyze_complexity
-- (Optional) Set whether to calculate the complexity of incoming GraphQL queries.:max_complexity
-- (Optional) Set the maximum allowed complexity of the GraphQL query. If a document’s calculated complexity exceeds the maximum, resolution will be skipped and an error will be returned in the result detailing the calculated and maximum complexities.:transport_batch_payload_key
-- (Optional) Set whether or not to nest Transport Batch request results in apayload
key. Older clients expected this key to be present, but newer clients have dropped this pattern. (default:true
Adds key-value pairs into Absinthe context.
Same as assign_context/2
except one key-value pair is assigned.
Parses, validates, resolves, and executes the given Graphql Document
The default list of document providers that are enabled.
The default pipeline used to process GraphQL documents.
Serve an Absinthe GraphQL schema with the specified options.
Sets the options for a given GraphQL document execution.
Link to this section Types
function_name() :: atom()
opts() :: [ schema: module(), adapter: module(), context: map(), json_codec: module() | {module(), Keyword.t()}, pipeline: {module(), atom()}, no_query_message: String.t(), document_providers: [Absinthe.Plug.DocumentProvider.t(), ...] | Absinthe.Plug.DocumentProvider.t() | {module(), atom()}, analyze_complexity: boolean(), max_complexity: non_neg_integer() | :infinity, serializer: module() | {module(), Keyword.t()}, content_type: String.t(), before_send: {module(), atom()}, log_level: Logger.level(), pubsub: module() | nil, transport_batch_payload_key: boolean() ]
-- (Optional) Absinthe adapter to use (default:Absinthe.Adapter.LanguageConventions
-- (Optional) Initial value for the Absinthe context, available to resolvers. (default:%{}
-- (Optional) Message to return to the client if no query is provided (default: "No query document supplied").:json_codec
-- (Optional) Amodule
or{module, Keyword.t}
dictating which JSON codec should be used (default:Jason
). The codec module should implementencode!/2
(e.g.,module.encode!(body, opts)
-- (Optional){module, atom}
reference to a 2-arity function that will be called to generate the processing pipeline. (default:{Absinthe.Plug, :default_pipeline}
-- (Optional) A{module, atom}
reference to a 1-arity function that will be called to determine the document providers that will be used to process the request. (default:{Absinthe.Plug, :default_document_providers}
, which configuresAbsinthe.Plug.DocumentProvider.Default
as the lone document provider). A simple list of document providers can also be given. SeeAbsinthe.Plug.DocumentProvider
for more information about document providers, their role in procesing requests, and how you can define and configure your own.:schema
-- (Required, if not handled by Mix.Config) The Absinthe schema to use. If a module name is not provided,Application.get_env(:absinthe, :schema)
will be attempt to find one.:serializer
-- (Optional) Similar to:json_codec
but allows the use of serialization formats other than JSON, like MessagePack or Erlang Term Format. Defaults to whatever is set in:json_codec
-- (Optional) The content type of the response. Should probably be set if:serializer
option is used. Defaults to"application/json"
-- (Optional) Set a value(s) on the connection after resolution but before values are sent to the client.:log_level
-- (Optional) Set the logger level for Absinthe Logger. Defaults to:debug
-- (Optional) Pub Sub module for Subscriptions.:analyze_complexity
-- (Optional) Set whether to calculate the complexity of incoming GraphQL queries.:max_complexity
-- (Optional) Set the maximum allowed complexity of the GraphQL query. If a document’s calculated complexity exceeds the maximum, resolution will be skipped and an error will be returned in the result detailing the calculated and maximum complexities.:transport_batch_payload_key
-- (Optional) Set whether or not to nest Transport Batch request results in apayload
key. Older clients expected this key to be present, but newer clients have dropped this pattern. (default:true
Link to this section Functions
assign_context(Plug.Conn.t(), Keyword.t() | map()) :: Plug.Conn.t()
Adds key-value pairs into Absinthe context.
iex> Absinthe.Plug.assign_context(conn, current_user: user)
assign_context(Plug.Conn.t(), atom(), any()) :: Plug.Conn.t()
Same as assign_context/2
except one key-value pair is assigned.
call(Plug.Conn.t(), map()) :: Plug.Conn.t() | no_return()
Parses, validates, resolves, and executes the given Graphql Document
default_document_providers(map()) :: [Absinthe.Plug.DocumentProvider.t()]
The default list of document providers that are enabled.
This consists of a single document provider, Absinthe.Plug.DocumentProvider.Default
, which
supports ad hoc GraphQL documents provided directly within the request.
For more information about document providers, see Absinthe.Plug.DocumentProvider
default_pipeline(map(), Keyword.t()) :: Absinthe.Pipeline.t()
The default pipeline used to process GraphQL documents.
This consists of Absinthe's default pipeline (as returned by Absinthe.Pipeline.for_document/1
with the Absinthe.Plug.Validation.HTTPMethod
phase inserted to ensure that the correct
HTTP verb is being used for the GraphQL operation type.
Serve an Absinthe GraphQL schema with the specified options.
See the documentation for the Absinthe.Plug.opts
type for details on the available options.
put_options(Plug.Conn.t(), Keyword.t()) :: Plug.Conn.t()
Sets the options for a given GraphQL document execution.
iex> Absinthe.Plug.put_options(conn, context: %{current_user: user})