API Reference absinthe_relay v1.5.2



Relay support for Absinthe.

Support for paginated result sets.

Macros used to define Connection-related schema entities

Middleware to support the macros located in

Support for Relay Classic mutations with single inputs and client mutation IDs.

Convenience macros for Relay Modern mutations.

Support for global object identification.

Useful schema helper functions for node IDs.

An ID translator handles encoding and decoding a global ID used in a Relay node.

A basic implementation of Absinthe.Relay.Node.IDTranslator using Base64 encoding.

Macros used to define Node-related schema entities

Parse node (global) ID arguments before they are passed to a resolver, checking the arguments against acceptable types.

Used to extend a schema with Relay-specific macros and types.

Used to extend a module where Absinthe types are defined with Relay-specific macros and types.