Authors: Igor Kopestenski ( [web site:].
task() = #{name => atom(), targets => task_targets(), function => function()}
task_targets() = [node()] | all
bane/1 | Returns the aggregates for the given variable as seen by the current node. |
bane_all_preys/1 | Returns the aggregates for the given variable as seen by the current node for all nodes. |
bite/1 | Adds the given task in the replicated task set. |
clusterize/0 | Attempts to discover and join other neighboring nodes. |
contagion/0 | Form Lasp cluster without attempting to ping neighbors beforehand. |
get_all_tasks/0 | Returns current view of all tasks. |
get_preys/0 | Returns a list of known remote hostnames that could be potential neighbors. |
pandemia/0 | Close disterl TCP connections with neighboring nodes. |
start/0 | Start the application. |
stop/0 | Stop the Application. |
venom/0 | Collect data based on sensors available on Pmod modules and store aggregated values in corresponding Lasp variable. |
venom/1 | Collect data based on sensors available on Pmod modules and store aggregated values in corresponding Lasp variable. |
bane(Data::atom()) -> list()
Returns the aggregates for the given variable as seen by the current node.
bane_all_preys(Data::atom()) -> list()
Returns the aggregates for the given variable as seen by the current node for all nodes.
bite(Task::achlys:task()) -> ok
Adds the given task in the replicated task set.
See also: achlys_task_server:add_task/1.
clusterize() -> [atom()]
Attempts to discover and join other neighboring nodes.
contagion() -> [{error, atom()} | {ok, atom()}]
Form Lasp cluster without attempting to ping neighbors beforehand.
get_all_tasks() -> [achlys:task()] | []
Returns current view of all tasks.
get_preys() -> any()
Returns a list of known remote hostnames that could be potential neighbors.
pandemia() -> ok
Close disterl TCP connections with neighboring nodes.
start() -> ok
Start the application.
stop() -> ok
Stop the Application
venom() -> ok
Collect data based on sensors available on Pmod modules and store aggregated values in corresponding Lasp variable.
venom(Worker::atom()) -> ok
Collect data based on sensors available on Pmod modules and store aggregated values in corresponding Lasp variable.
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